Super Scientists in 3SG

We have been investigating forces in 3SG this is week, to find out if the surface an object travels on changes how it moves.

We conducted a ‘fair test’ and had some interesting results. Overall, we decided that a flat smooth object moves further when travelling on a smooth flat surface. We found out that this is because when there is more friction, the object cannot travel as far.

Mrs Graves


LKS2 Celebration of Learning

We would love to invite you to the Year 3 and 4 Celebration of Learning for our current expedition ‘There is no Planet B -why should we protect our wonderful world?’

It will take place on Friday 22nd March at 2pm, we would love to see you there.

Mrs Graves


Crew Farrow

Today, we discussed what Crew means to us and why it is important. In Crew Farrow we value the importance of sharing our feelings and looking after each other.

World Wildlife Day

Years 3 and 4 were lucky enough to join a live, online lesson yesterday to build our background knowledge of the worldā€™s biomes. It was great to see how much our children have learnt about the Arctic during this expedition.

I wonder if your child can tell you something new that they learnt from this opportunity.

Mrs Haycock


Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Today, Year 3 went on a trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park. We saw lot’s of animals, including some very playful polar bears. We also went to a polar bear work shop, and got to learn more about polar bears and climate change.

3SG are safe and ready

In preparation for our field work, we have been looking at how risk assessments work and agreeing on rules for safety when we are out and about.

It was lovely to see lots of great ideas being shared from the groups, then collaborating as a class to agree on our best rules to keep safe on our trip.

3SG Haka in P.E.

3SG had great fun working in groups to create their own Haka (a ceremonial dance of the Maori people) as part of our dance module in PE.

It was great to see your ideas and scary faces!

We are scientists

Today, we conducted a scientific experiment to see what sides of the magnet attract and repel each other. We also found out that Earth is one big magnet, because there is iron in the middle of Earth.

Maths superstar

Shout out to Seb for completing a multiplication square as an extension task in maths today.

Crew – Motivational Monday

Crew Farrow completed some matchstick problem solving problems in motivational Crew today. Well done for grappling, re-arranging the patterns and following the rules.