After designing and painting our peaceful protest signs, we took to the streets to demand change.
Category : p27
Year 3 PE
Today, year 3 continued practicing the haka they have been working very hard on improving and perfecting. We have worked in groups to make it even better by adding in scary, angry and brave poses and movements. We then shared to the class our results.
Y3 Danum read aloud finalists
Big shout out to Atlas and Rufus for reaching the Danum read aloud final. You were both amazing! Everyone is so proud of you!
World book day
We had a fantastic day celebrating world book day. Thank you to everyone for participating in the live draw along, and having a go at the Where’s Wallys challenge. In the afternoon, we enjoyed listening to the Danum read aloud finalists.
Year 3 PE
Today, the children has been consolidating their learning about the haka by talking about the different poses. They worked in their groups to share ideas of what a haka should look like, using the ideas of different themes to help them (e.g. shapes, animals).
It has been great to see most children present their work at the end!
The haka
3F performed an extremely intimidating haka this morning! We used our body language, facial expressions and loud noises to scare our audience.
We are writers
This week, we are writing a persuasive piece of text to encourage people to save the polar bears. Will you help us save these beautiful, majestic creatures? Turn off lights, unplug unused devises, recycle and walk where possible.
3SG Wildlife Park Field Trip
We had a fantastic time on Thursday at the Wildlife Park.
The Polar Bear Workshop was really informative and it was great to get ‘hands-on’ with a polar bear skull, claws and footprints.
We then saw the real life polar bears – they were huge and tucking into their breakfast!
As a lucky bonus we also got a glimpse of the baby rhino – it was so cute, but didn’t stay out for long – I think we scared it off, as we were so excited to see it!!
The field trip will really help us with our writing – so look out for our persuasive texts!
We would love for you to join us next week on the 13th March at 1:30, when we put into action what we have learnt in our ‘Activism March’ to save the polar bears!
I was very proud of how the children behaved on what was a long and tiring day.
Mrs Graves