Sandall Beat Stars

Well done to local grass roots team Sandall Beat U9’s!

Samuel, Bobby, George, Lucas, Jaxon, Lamar, Theo, Jenson and Nelson are all Plover pupils. It was their first ‘proper’ tournament as Under 9ā€™s and they won the league but sadly lost out on penalties in the final game. All of the children worked brilliantly, showing fantastic teamwork! #LovePlover

LKS2 Celebration of Learning

The celebration of learning event for Year 3 and 4 will take place this Friday 5th July at 2:00pm.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible to celebrate our expeditionary learning from this term!

The LKS2 team.

Year 3 family learning

Today, year 3 enjoyed family learning in the hall, where we made chocolate fudge, chocolate pops, and engaged in different Fairtrade arts and crafts activities.

3SG We are scientists

Today we conducted an experiment to test the melting rates of chocolate.

We placed a chocolate button in different locations and timed how long it took to melt. We took the temperature at the same time.

We had some interesting findings, that really made us think and draw conclusions – why did the chocolate in the Bubble not melt at all, even though the temperature reading was very similar to outside – where the chocolate melted in 2 minutes? We had a discussion, and decided that there was a variable – the concrete on the playground was very warm, but the carpet in the bubble was not.

We have loved doing the experiment and next we will put our findings down on paper in a scientific report.

Mrs Graves


Sporting achievements

Big shoutout to everyone who brought in their sports awards today. It is great to see that students are keeping active outside of school, as well as in school.

We are mathematicians

Yesterday, we were developing our understanding of days, weeks, months and years. We did this by using the knuckle test, which helped us remember how many days are in each month. Did you know, a leap year happens every 4 years?

3SG PE: Developing our cricket strategies.

3SG had a lovely session in PE where we discussed how we can co-operate and communicate to improve our strategies when fielding in P.E. We put our thoughts into practice in small groups then challenged each other to a full game – great participation from all – well done!

Do you want to be a part of our Plover leadership team?

Please see this exciting opportunity for current Year 3,4 & 5 pupils to join our very first Plover student leadership team. Above you will find all the relevant details on how to apply ahead of our exciting assembly. The members of the staff leadership team will select a number of children to go ahead to share their manifestos in our whole school assembly. The whole school will then have the opportunity to vote for their student Headteacher and three student assistant headteachers! This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase one of our British Values- Democracy!

-Miss Blackham


3SG are scientists

3SG continued their investigations into states of matter by looking into how we can affect the evaporation of water. We noticed how water quickly turns to water vapour when heat is directly applied by a hotplate, then how it condenses back to water when the cold lid was placed on top. We compared this to water left on the windowsill, which is continuing to evaporate much more slowly. We then recorded our observations of this reversible process and wrote a conclusion.