We are scientists

This week, we have been looking at circuits and talking about what makes them complete and incomplete.

The children have produced some amazing explanations as to why some circuits will work and why some won’t. Well done 4V.

Miss Vines


Rock Steady!

KS1 were visited by Tim from RockSteady today. He showed us all of the exciting instruments we can learn if we sign up to some music lessons. We drummed along, sang and played our air guitars! We had a great time and even made our own band by the end of the session. We had great fun and we’re really keen to start learning instruments. You never know, we could be having our own performances by the end of the year! Please check out the letter for details!


Y3/4 Basketball Competition Reminder – Tomorrow

Just a reminder your child/children are taking place in a basketball tournament tomorrow afternoon at XP school. (Theo S, Lamar, Jenson, Rufus, Neriya, Anwyn, Atlas, Nevaeh H, Casey S)

Can all children come in PE kit  tomorrow (white t-shirt, navy/black shorts/joggers/leggings) and bring a water bottle.

They go on the bus at 12.45pm and will be back at Plover to be picked up by parents at 3.45pm.

Thank you

Crew Graves Family Learning

A big thank you to the parents and carers that joined us for our Family Learning event on Friday. We made a crew robot, created tin can robots and completed robot puzzles.

Everybody got really stuck in and it was great to see the teamwork as our crew robot grew!

Mrs Graves


Iron Man Workshop

On Tuesday, we were thrilled to have Phil Sheppard from the National Literacy Trust and Doncaster Stories deliver a workshop about the Iron Man, to support the reading we have been doing.

Phil guided us through how to draw the Iron Man, using some of the techniques book illustrator Chris Mould used when illustrating the book, the Iron Man.

We were very proud of the result!

We are looking forward to working with Phil again on World Book Day.

Mrs Graves


Hooking LKS2 into What makes us human?

Happy New Year!

We have had a great start to our new expedition – “The Power of Life – what makes us human?”

It was great to see all costumes in the “dress-up as a robot’, especially all the time and effort that had gone into the outfits.

We spent the morning in our crews in mini workshops to give us a flavour of some of the learning we are going to be doing this term. Children had to workout the guiding question using clues given at the end of each workshop.

Children enjoyed exploring the internal organs, skeleton and muscles using AI and interactive games. They had a go at classifying robots, made electronic circuits, created robots and had fun with jigsaws.

As reward for solving the puzzle and in preparation for Friday’s learning, we spent the afternoon watching the film Robots.

Mrs Graves and Miss Vine


We are problem solvers!

Years 3 and 4 have worked with each of the six crew leads today to carry out a range of activities that link to our new learning. If successful, they were given a word from the crew leader. Then they had to shuffle these words around so they made sense as a title and question. We finally worked it outā€¦

The power of life: What makes us human?

Well done to everyone who managed to complete Mrs Haycockā€™s challenge of beat the buzzer. Everyone successfully built their wire buzzer (or in our case light) game! Extra shout out to the 6 children who managed to complete the game without setting the buzzer off.

I hope you all had fun in my session guys; I know I had lots of fun and that I am very proud of you all!

Mrs Haycock


Are we human or are we robots?

Years 3 and 4 had an exciting hook day today for their new expedition. Many dressed up as robots and the effort from those who made their own costumes was exceptional! Well done and thank you parents who Iā€™m sure would have lent a helping hand with these!

Mrs Haycock
