Powdery eggs, purple teeth and poo in 4G!

We have been scientists this week!

First, we investigated how to look after our teeth:

We looked at the results of the egg experiment we started before half term. We placed eggs into different liquids ( water; orange juice; cola; energy drink and vinegar ) to represent the sugars and acids in the foods and drinks we consume. Our results we amazing – the energy drink’s shell had become a powdery crust and the shell of the vinegar egg completely dissolved, turning the white of the egg completely solid and making the egg resemble a bouncy ball. This showed us that sugars and acids have a negative effect on our teeth.

Building on the experiment, we then looked at how well we clean our teeth, by using disclosing tablets to highlight areas of our teeth we might miss when brushing. We had some very sparkly teeth at the end of that session.

Finally, after learning about the digestive system, we created ‘poo’ in the classroom! Using biscuits, banana and orange juice, a long tube, a funnel, a pair of tights and a knife and fork, we recreated the mechanical process of how we digest our food. We had a gross alert and a few couldn’t watch – but we did have fun!

Mrs Graves


Disneyland Paris 2025 parent drop in- Monday 24th February 3-4pm

I am offering a drop in session for parents to pop to see me if they have specific questions regarding the Disneyland Paris trip. A formal meeting will take place once the exact timings have been confirmed with the company for each day/activity. This will not be provided to us as a school until the summer. However, we do have a rough itinerary.

The trip will take place on Monday 10th November and children will return home on the evening of the 13th of November. The trip will include a full day in Disneyland Paris, a day in Paris and the two travel days will consist of team blinding activities at the centre such as rock climbing, the big swing etc.

Rooms and groups will be decided in the autumn as we appreciate it is still a while away and friendships change.

Please note you are welcome to email any questions you have or pop to see me in 6B. I just wanted to offer a date where parents could come face to face to ask anything they need.

Thank you for the support with this school trip.

-Miss Blackham


Dance in PE

This term Y4 have been developing their dance skills. Thank you to Legacy Sports Foundation who have supported with cheerleading lessons over the last 3 weeks! #LovePlover

We are the Pride of Plover Pupils!

Well done to everyone who was awarded ā€˜Pride of Ploverā€™ last week. You worked hard, got smart and were all very kind too. What more can we ask of you? Nothing! Keep it up. I wonder who will be awarded this week?

Mrs Haycock


We are scientists

This week, we have been looking at circuits and talking about what makes them complete and incomplete.

The children have produced some amazing explanations as to why some circuits will work and why some won’t. Well done 4V.

Miss Vines


Rock Steady!

KS1 were visited by Tim from RockSteady today. He showed us all of the exciting instruments we can learn if we sign up to some music lessons. We drummed along, sang and played our air guitars! We had a great time and even made our own band by the end of the session. We had great fun and we’re really keen to start learning instruments. You never know, we could be having our own performances by the end of the year! Please check out the letter for details!


Y3/4 Basketball Competition Reminder – Tomorrow

Just a reminder your child/children are taking place in a basketball tournament tomorrow afternoon at XP school. (Theo S, Lamar, Jenson, Rufus, Neriya, Anwyn, Atlas, Nevaeh H, Casey S)

Can all children come in PE kit  tomorrow (white t-shirt, navy/black shorts/joggers/leggings) and bring a water bottle.

They go on the bus at 12.45pm and will be back at Plover to be picked up by parents at 3.45pm.

Thank you