Shine bright like a Diamond!

We all enjoyed our glow day and talked about how our inner glow comes from building our self confidence. We really enjoyed glow handwriting, creating our video and our super glow party at the end of the day. Thank you everyone for your support!

What’s in a Story?

Year 2 have been exploring our new text and using inference skills to deduct what a story could be about, where it is set and when it might gave been set. We had great fun being detectives and were shocked by the what the story ‘Let the Children March’ told us about the past.

Glow Day

The children in Y2 had a great day today and we all enjoyed our very first Glow Day. The children enjoyed handwriting in highlighters, reading the story Glow and thinking what makes them glow, a fish and chip lunch, Place Value Connect 4 and a Glow Party to end the day. They all looked wonderful in their bright clothes and they had huge smiles all day!
We canā€™t wait for the next one!

Rosa Parks (2)

Today the children learnt the middle part of our text. To do this we had actions to support us. We then wrote the sentences in our book.


This afternoon 1/2K were talking about racism, as part of our Rosa Parks topic. We discussed that everyone has similarities and differences

The children said that they didnā€™t think it was fair that Rosa was treated that way. We then looked at some different case studies and talked about if they had thought it was racist or not.

Fluent Readers 📖

A huge well done to Ruby-Ann and Kobin, today is only the second time they have looked at this book and they could read most of it fluently. Well done 👏🏻

Collaborative Learning

In English and Expedition today the children worked collaboratively, first to think about the characters in our book Let the Children March and then to think about questions to ask Rosa Parks. They were excited to send her text messages and were thrilled to she her responses.

PE! ⚽️

In our PE lesson today we practiced passing the hall between the cones. To level up from the skills we had learnt last week the children then added space between their passes.

Questions for Rosa!

This afternoon we were ā€œtextingā€ Rosa Parks, asking her questions about her life. The children were so excited when it showed Rosa was responding to them. Here are some of our questions.

We are artists

The children have worked hard to create a fiery painting depicting the Great Fire of London. We used a variety of techniques to create the end product.

What do you think of our final pieces?