Save Our Seas!

2P have explored how humans have had a negative impact on our seas and oceans thanks to our need for plastic. We have looked at the history of plastic being found in our waters and how this even extends to discoveries in the very deepest parts of the Mariana Trench. 2P decided that we need this to stop! We have used our research to make posters to make people realise the damage we are doing.


World Book Day

As part of World Book Day, 1C completed a virtual draw along with a local illustrator, Phil Shepard. The children worked hard to create their own superhero called Donny Dog.

Once the illustrations were completed the children used Animated Drawings to turn their drawings into mini cartoons.

Read more: World Book Day

For the love of books!

Thank you to everyone who turned up in amazing costumes to celebrate World Book Day. You all looked amazing! We created bookmarks, celebrated our favourite books and continued to read our class story, which we are loving!


World Book Day

Today the children had a great time on World Book Day and they all looked fantastic in their costumes! The children enjoyed our special book day assembly, making their own bookmarks, reading stories and taking part in the Doncaster Draw-Along. A jam packed day of fun!

World Book Day! 📚

What a fantastic morning weā€™ve had 1/2K! I have loved seeing all of your wonderful costumes. You all look amazing. Thank you for trying your hardest in participating in todays draw along. What fantastic illustrators you are!

Instructions ✍️ 🐝

Today we introduced our class stimulus text: Omar, The Bees and Me! It is a wonderful stories about two friends who are on a mission to help the bees. We talked about what we had created for our eco garden and what we had done to help the bees. We then thought it would be a lovely idea to share with more people on how they could make Bee Hotels too! We introduced our new model text and we were very lucky today, as Mrs. Swann taught us the BSL signs to accompany it! Thank you Mrs. Swann for your help! 🐝

Following Instructions

This week the children in Year 2 have begun their new unit on instructions. Today they have been busy following instructions to create something special ready for this weekend. They worked in pairs and small groups to help each other succeed. I’m sure when the children bring their special project home, you’ll see how hard they have worked!

Sorry, there are no sneak previews, you’ll have to wait and see!

Instructions: Bee Hotel 🐝

As part of our new writing unit, we are learning to write instructions. Today, we practiced following some instructions on how to make a bee hotel. First we collected some sticks to create the middle section. Then we made our bed hotels in mini crews before heading outside to put them in our eco-garden.

The Deep Trip

Thank you so much for helping us to be in a position to confirm the trip can go ahead.

Please can we ask that all consents and lunch orders are placed with class teachers by Monday at the latest.

Parent pay will remain open for any outstanding payments.

Thank you once again for your support.

KS1 Team.