Where do we belong?

2L had a fabulous visit to Doncaster Museum where we learnt more about the place that we call our home. We explored many different parts of Doncasterā€™s history and learnt about why Doncaster is famous all over the world. We handled and explored artefacts during our workshop and then looked around the museum to see how Doncaster fitted into the world. We were amazed to see that people from all over the world lived in Doncaster nearly 2000 years ago!

We were so excited by what we had learnt that we all want to go back again! Our brains are now full of knowledge to use in our Expedition!


Listening Walk

Today in 2L , the children made themselves an extra pair of listening ears and we went on a listening walk to find out what we could hear in school. We crept around and heard all sorts of sounds including cutlery clattering in the hall, birds tweeting outside, doors banging and the jazzy music coming from Y6. The children were really quiet and were shocked by what they could hear when they really tried to concentrate.

We are going to turn these noises into expanded noun phrases and write our very our sound poem. Weā€™ll make sure to blog our final work.

Back to the Past!

The children really enjoyed their first day back at school and looked amazing in their outfits from the past. We used this to explore vocabulary about the past, present and future and compared sources of information to spot similarities and differences.

We also used our expert visitor who used a drone to show us parts of Doncaster as seen from the air! It was really exciting to get a new perspective on our community.

We are all ready to get stuck into our new expedition!


Plover’s Past Hook Day

It was marvellous seeing the children dressed in such smart and old fashioned clothes. We enjoyed a crew challenge. Geoff the expert showed us some aerial view photos of Intake and Doncaster. We learnt about some history of Doncaster and explored a time capsule and artefacts found within Plover! #LovePlover

Dress Up Day!

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that Monday is our Dress Up Day! If possible, could children come to school in old fashioned clothing to support our learning of our new expedition.

We look forward to seeing you all in your outfits!

The KS1 Team

Year 1/2 Faith Day

As part of our Faith Day, Year 1 and 2 learned about the story of Moses. We then completed a Kahoot quiz to show what we have learned. We then learned about the story of Abraham and Isaac, then we completed freeze frames for the key parts of the story.

KS1 CoL Appreciation

Thank you to Dame Rosie Winterton for officially opening our KS1 Eco-Garden!

Many thanks to Dame Rosie, Doncaster Frenchgate, DMBC Street Scene, Mrs Barras and Mrs Ogle for all your commitment to our community and environment!

We would also like to thank the Tree Council for providing the lovely fruit trees and hedge plants.

Thank you to all the parent/carers for your cooperation and thank you to all our KS1 children for your beautiful work and displaying a real purpose of activism!