Story time tales on World Book Day

The whole school enjoyed time with author and illustrator, Phil Sheppard as part of their World Book Day! Listening to him tell his stories live was a magical experience for many!

There’s nothing better than a good story being brought to life!

Mrs Haycock


Self care posters

For we care Wednesday’s crew session, we discussed the importance of looking after our mental health. The children all created self care posters to show how they care for themselves. Some great discussions and ideas shared. Well done crew!

Miss Brown


Investigating teeth

In year 3, we have been investigating the impact of sugar on teeth and how to take better care of them. We used plaque disclosing tablets to check how well we brush our teeth and created posters to promote better oral hygiene.

Miss Brown


We are Getting Smart and Being Kind

Well done to these two beautiful members of 3H who have been working so hard to ‘Get Smart’ and who have been supporting each other with their learning tasks, ‘Being Kind.’ You’re both awesome.

Keep being kind girlies.

Mrs Haycock


We can use a thesaurus!

Years 3 and 4 have been playing around with the story ‘Funny Bones’ today. We noticed there was a lot of repetition in the book so decided to re-write a section of it. The word ‘dark’ was banned though, so we had to find as many synonyms for this word as possible!

Keep thinking about different ways to say the same thing. That way, your writing will become so much more exciting and your understanding of vocabulary will soar!

Mrs Haycock
