Re-arranged Trip Details for 1CR and 2L

Dear Parents/Carers, 

Firstly, apologies for the late cancellation of the trip last week and thank you for your understanding. 

We are pleased to confirm that the trip has been rearranged for Tuesday 12th November 2024, for children in 1CR and 2L.

The fieldwork will include a walk to Sandall Beat Wood. The day will be spent in the activity centre doing different activities such as castle building and maybe even some campfire cooking!

The children will leave school at 9am and return to school by 3pm. Your child will need a packed lunch.  If children previously ordered a packed lunch this will be arranged.

Children are to wear school uniform for this trip with comfortable, appropriate footwear for walking in woodland. Please ensure your child brings an appropriate waterproof jacket in case of extreme weather during the walk. 

To help with finances at this time of year, the full cost of the trip will be covered by school. Therefore, there will be no charge for this trip. 

Additionally, if you had kindly agreed to join the visit to support the staff and children, please could you confirm that this is still the case with the class teachers. 

Mr Pickering (1CR) and Mrs Lewis (2L) will be leading the trip on this day.

Thank you once again for your support and understanding.

Mr Longley

We are historians

In 2L we are enjoying our new History Case Study. Today the children found out all about a significant person in our history, Queen Elizabeth II. We learned about her life and then put important events into chronological order on a timeline.

We learned lots of facts about her. Did you know her favourite castle was Balmoral Castle in Scotland? Oliver thought it would be very peaceful there away from the crowds in London.

Check out our timelines.

Mrs Lewis


KS1 Fieldwork Visits – Reminder

We are really excited to see you all back at school after half term. Just a reminder that we are straight into our Fieldwork visits. 2P and 1CU are on MONDAY and 2L and 1CR are on TUESDAY. Please make sure you have the correct day!

Children will need to be IN UNIFORM but please wear appropriate footwear for a walk into the woods, on uneven ground. Also, please have an appropriate coat for the visit. Children will need to bring their own bag for their packed lunches and remember to take plenty to drink. Please remember to provide a packed lunch unless you have ordered one from school already!

2P Faith Day

2P looked at the Sikh faith and how prayer is an important part of worship. We considered things that we are thankful for and also others who might be in need of help. We wrote our own list of things that might be used as a prayer for those with beliefs. We then looked at the Sikh Khanda symbol. We created our own mosaics using this symbol as a central part of our patterns.


Faith day superstars ā­ļø

I was so excited that these lovely KS1 pupils wanted to show me their fabulous work they had been engaging in during their faith day. Look how beautiful it is! Superstars! ā­ļø

-Miss Blackham


Check your Child’s bags!

Today your child was sent home with their unique Christmas card. If you would like to buy any of the products listed on the order form, please return it to your childā€™s class teacher no later than Friday 8th November 2024. Payment MUST also be made via parentpay by Friday 8th November 2024.

Please note no orders can be made after this date.

Y1/2 Football Tournament

Well done to our Y1/2 children who took part in their first ever football tournament. They finished 5th – winning 2 games, drawing 2 games and losing 3 games. Plovers superstar player was Y1 Vinnie – for his 2 goals! #LovePlover

We are Historians!

2P have been exploring more about the Kings and Queens throughout History. We discussed why some of them have lived in Castles and then turned our focus to Queen Elizabeth II. We built our background knowledge about key events in her life and then created our own timelines to put them in chronological order.


Pride of Plover

Congratulations to the Key Stage 1 Pride of Plover winners this week. It was brilliant to hear how you demonstrated such determination and focus in your learning, always working hard and getting smart. Even better still was hearing how kind you all are and how well you use your manners. Well done everyone!


A crime was comitted!

This week, 2P investigated whether their scientific designs would be good enough to protect Humpty Dumpty from being harmed when he falls off the wall. We carried out the fair test and had somewhat disastrous results! Poor Humpty was more than injured by some of our designs! We reflected that the egg needed to be more fully surrounded by soft materials and that maybe a parachute would have been better than balloons.
