The Best Part Of The Seaside

In maths today we looked at bar charts. We discussed what our favourite things to do at the seaside were to create the graph, then voted for the one we enjoy the most. As a class, eating ice cream is our favourite thing to do when visiting the seaside, and the arcades/funfair were our least favourite.

Miss Wood


Hook Week

This week we have followed a map, to go on a treasure hunt. We found a treasure chest filled with seaside objects! Before opening the box we made predications about what might be inside, then after looking at the items, we decided maybe our new expedition was going to be about the beach.

We then learnt that we live in Intake, Doncaster, and compared some pictures of Intake, to pictures of the seaside.

Miss Wood


Pride Of Plover

This week our Pride Of Plover badges have gone to Ali and Sylas, well done boys!

Ali has done absolutely amazing with his toilet training this week, and has settled really well back into school routines.

Sylas has shown a huge improvement in his attention and a listening this week and has been kind to his peers. Keep it up.

Miss Wood


Mother and baby visit

As part of our settling in week, we have been learning about how we grow and change. We have looked at pictures of ourselves as a baby, and then Skyla’s mum and dad very kindly brought her baby sister to visit us. We asked lots of questions to find out things such as how babies move and what they eat.

Miss Wood


We’re Going On An Egg Hunt!

Today we went on an egg hunt, after reading the story, We’re going on an egg hunt. We worked together as a crew to find the Easter eggs and match up the patterns on them. I hope you all have a lovely Easter holidays and stay safe.

Miss Wood


Rice Crispies Buns

Today we made rice crispy cakes. We poured rice crispies into a bowl of melted chocolate and mixed it together. We noticed the more rice crispies we added, the harder it was to mix. Then we put the mixture into bun cases, and put it in the fridge, discussing how the cold temperature of the fridge would help the chocolate to set hard again.

Miss Wood


Scotty’s Hero’s

Scotty’s hero’s came to visit yesterday morning for our blue crew winners across school. In the afternoon we was lucky enough to get a turn on the bouncey castle course before they packed away.

Miss Wood


Our Plants Are Shooting!

When we arrived at school today, after the weekend, we noticed our plants had began shooting! We noticed that the roots of our sunflower seeds, were growing down through the bottom of the pot and the stem was growing up. We cannot wait to watch the stem grow even bigger and eventually flower. Our cress has also started growing in our egg shells, creating hair for our egg heads.

Miss Wood
