We need approximately 800 bottles so any help towards our target would be really appericiated!
-Miss Blackham
We need approximately 800 bottles so any help towards our target would be really appericiated!
-Miss Blackham
Thank you to everyone who bought chocolate crunch! We raised just under £100!
-Miss Blackham
I have promised Year 6 a water fight so we will be holding a water fight next Friday. Children will need a change of clothes and a towel. They are welcome to bring in any water guns/buckets they have!
-Miss Blackham
Year 6’s leavers hoodies have arrived! Thank you so much to everyone who has supported our fundraising events to make this happen! The children are buzzing with them! They will be able to wear them instead of their Plover hoodies until the end of the year!
We are continuing to fundraise for funds towards our leavers trips for a KFC treat on the way home! We will be in touch regarding our last few fundraising events in due course.
Thank you so mcuh again for all of your support!
-Miss Blackham
Year 5 and 6 have had a music expert in today.
Drop in sessions will take place the week commencing 26th June every morning 8:15-8:45 and 3-4pm. If you cannot make any of these times, please pop me an email and I will be as flexible as I can.
Thank you
-Miss Blackham
We have recently signed up to the ‘Recycle to Read’ initiative. This helps the planet and helps our school turn your batteries, which no longer work, into books for school! We are looking for the following batteries (AA, AAA, C, D, 9V) to be brought into school and placed in the collection point at the school office. Please ensure the contact points have been taped over and all batteries are brought in a plastic bag. If we fill our box and send it back, we have the chance to win £50 in book tokens for school. Each time you drop a battery off, your child can follow the link (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdhcVMztGotW4k4mKQRrB7Z5idx3QzFQOsdlA3rxvz2E7816Q/viewform) to be in with a chance to win their own prize! The competition is open until 14th July. Thank you for your support!
Year 5 & 6 really enjoyed their visit from a music expert! They learnt all about how to read notes and they got to write their own piece of music! They had so much fun!
-Miss Blackham
Please can we remind all parents/carers of Year 6 children that they all must book an appointment to see their child’s final word presentation. The appointments are between 1 and 5.30pm on 27th, 28th and 29th June. Please come and see one of the Year 6 team or email to book your appointment. #LovePlover
Well done to all the children who took part in Wednesdays Sports 4 Champions workouts, with professional athlete Leon Baptiste.
A huge thank you to all the bronze, silver and gold fundraisers – you guys raised an incredible £1287.70!
A big congratulations to Jude, Caleb, Helen-Rose and Marcus who were the winning key stage fundraisers! #LovePlover