Spring Children’s University Codes

Here are the long awaited codes for our Spring clubs. Feel free to add the last couple of weeks and any Christmas codes. If you need help logging in or adding Stamp Codes, I am available between 3 and 4 on a Wednesday, in 3H or email me for a password reset at [email protected]


Mrs Shuka


Childen’s University Coffee Morning

Children’s University will be holding a coffee morning, this Thursday at 9:00am, during Plover Pantry, in the hall. Please stop by to meet our staff and parent ambassadors. They will be available if you have any questions or to register your child.


Mrs Shuka


The plover pantry has been restocked!

We have lots of new items at the Plover pantry! We hope to see you tomorrow !

-Miss Blackham


We are scientists in 4G

We’ve had a great day investigating electronic circuits today as part of our physics science lessons. We have made a bulb light and made a motor spins. We have experimented to find out what happens if there are more cells (batteries).

We are looking forward to learning more over the next few lessons.

Mrs Graves


Year 3 and 4 Home Learning

You should have now received the home leaning menu for our Spring Expedition ‘The Power of Life: What fuels us?’.

There are some useful dates for events happening throughout the term.

As well as some ideas for how to further the learning in this expedition, there is also a set of times tables and all the the spelling words from year 1 – 6 to give you an idea of what the children are expected to know.

In addition to the voluntary home learning activities, it is crucial that children are reading everyday at home, practicing their times tables and practising spellings. Please speak to your class teacher if you would like some more information on how to help your child.

I look forward to seeing how creative and innovative everyone can be at home.

Mrs Graves


Year 3 and 4 Times Tables Check Parent’s Information Session

I would like to invite Year 3 and 4 parents and carers to a times tables information session on Thursday 19th January at 3:15 in the school hall.

You may be aware that all children in Year 4 will have to complete a Times Tables Check, set by the Department for Education in the summer.

The session will last approx 45 minutes and will give more information about the check, as well as giving some tips for how to support your child over the coming months.

Please speak to your class teacher if you have any questions or if you are unable to attend.

Mrs Graves


We are working as scientists!

We have had a great day today, learning all about animal classification.

An animal treasure hunt was followed by us deciding ways to groups the animals, and then after we learnt some proper scientific terms , we then grouped the animals again.

Once we completed classifying the animals, we then became scientific detectives and worked collaboratively to research a group and presented our findings to the class.

We were surprised to learn that whales and dolphins are mammals but that sharks are fish – but we can now explain why!

Well done guys you have worked so hard today.

Mrs Graves


Fun Food Chains

Today, in Year 4, we have been actively learning about food chains. By playing a game of tag, we were able to see the impact of different roles (producers, prey and predators).

Can you spot the plants, deer and wolves in the pictures?

Mrs Graves
