Sports for Champions – Fundraising Challenge

We have launched our Sports for Challenge fundraising campaign this week, to promote physical activity and exercise, healthy active lifestyles and working hard to become a champion!

Children from F2-Y6 have all been given a fundraising form, the challenge is for children to raise as little or large of an amount over the next 5 weeks! Then if we meet our fundraising target, all the children will enjoy meeting and exercising with a World Class Athlete after half term! The benefit of the fundraising will allow the school to purchase some fantastic sports equipment throughout school!

Forms and money to be brought in w/c 22nd May. Prizes will be given to the child in every year group who raises the most money!

Thanks all #LovePlover

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Sports For Champions UK C.I.C

We are crew!

Great start!

It was so lovely to be back together learning and making memories! Today was Corben’s birthday so we shared cake and food, sang Happy Birthday and played a party game. The children even came home with a party bag! (Thankyou to Corben’s family)🥳 We then discovered our new Guiding question- ‘ Where Could Your Journey Take You?’ and made predictions about what might happen in our new core text, The Tunnel. After break, we worked in mini crews to build some tunnels and had a great time imagining where our tunnels could lead us! We are all hooked into our next learning journey!