KS1 Trip

You may be aware from media coverage that the NEU has declared more national strike action which will take place on Wednesday 5th. As a result, the following changes will be necessary relating to the school trips for Key Stage One children.

Tuesday 4th July – ALL Year 1 children will be visiting Sandall Beat Woods.

Wednesday 5th July – ALL Year 2 children will be visiting Sandall Beat Woods.

We will be leaving school at 9 am and aim to be back at school by the end of the day. Children will need to order a school packed lunch or bring one from home.  It is essential that all children bring a water bottle with them.

We will be spending most of the day outside, so children will need to wear appropriate and comfortable clothing (wellies, trainers, jumpers, joggers, t-shirt, shorts, sun hat, suncream and water bottle).

Please can we ask that any outstanding payments and consents are completed on the Parentpay platform.

Thank you once again for your support

KS1 Team

The big and final write!

Today, in 1B we had some calming music on as we attmepted to write a whole story! The children all sat with BBC and TNT (ask them what this means!) Every single child showed progress and made me so proud! I can’t wait to look at their writing with them tomorrow and share my praises!

Recycle to Read Initiative

We have recently signed up to the ‘Recycle to Read’ initiative. This helps the planet and helps our school turn your batteries, which no longer work, into books for school! We are looking for the following batteries (AA, AAA, C, D, 9V) to be brought into school and placed in the collection point at the school office. Please ensure the contact points have been taped over and all batteries are brought in a plastic bag. If we fill our box and send it back, we have the chance to win £50 in book tokens for school. Each time you drop a battery off, your child can follow the link (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdhcVMztGotW4k4mKQRrB7Z5idx3QzFQOsdlA3rxvz2E7816Q/viewform) to be in with a chance to win their own prize! The competition is open until 14th July. Thank you for your support!