Find their nearest All Stars (5-8 year olds) or Dynamos (8-11 year olds) Cricket Centre by following the link below;
A huge thank you to Nevaeh’s Grandad and Tesco for their generous community donations of gardening equipment, fairy lights, bubbles and stationary prizes! A true act of kindness for our We Care Wednesday Crew yesterday. #LovePlover
1M have been learning about space, Maw Jemison and Peter Thorpe’s artwork this week. They have collaborated superbly during text marking, silent galleries and gallery walks! #LovePlover
1M were being mathematicians and recognising that four equal parts make quarters. Well done Ivanna who was the first to complete our problem solving task… if this is one quarter of a shape, what is the whole?
Just a final reminder for children to bring in their sponsorship money for the Sports for Champions campaign!
The money raised with fund part of the Elite Athlete visit and provide some much needed sports equipment/ opportunities for our school.
If all sponsorship forms and money (cash) can be handed in by tomorrow Tuesday 23rd May please! If you feel more comfortable not giving cash yoy can scan the QR code which takes you to the crowd funder page.
Just a gentle reminder, can all children bring in their sponsorship money/forms by next Monday 21st May!
In support for the Sports for Champions campaign, then we can count our whole school total and give out prizes for the highest fundraisers in each KS1, before the half term holidays! #LovePlover
Y1 have worked so hard today and some children have impressed Mr Meade and Mrs Bubb so much with their phonics, reading and writing! Also a big shout out to Avaarni’s MUM who has very kindly volunteered to do some reading in an afternoon with our lovely children! #LovePlover