Today we had fun with Alfresco Learning and the Science experts! We made our own rockets and launched rockets that blasted into space like Mae Jemison.Ā We learnt about how rockets work and the constellation of stars in space. It was great fun! We are scientists! #LovePlover
Category : 22/23 Y1: Mr Meade’s Blog
We are Artists🎨
1M continued to develop their Peter Thorpe art skills this morning by using a different median. We focused on small strokes with a paint brush as well as lines, shapes, bright colours and dark backgrounds like yesterday! #LovePlover

Fantastic Phonics

Year one have impressed me today with their phonics skills. They have been reading and sorting words with split diagraphs a_e , e_e, i_e, o_e and u_e.
Well done!
Mrs Shuka
F2-Y6 to come in PE Kits on Wednesday
Hi all
For our Sports for Champions athlete work out on Wednesday.
Can we ask that all children from F2,Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6 come in PE kits on Wednesday please.

Peter Thorpe Artists
1M worked hard this morning in expedition focusing on critiquing Peter Thorpes artwork and then critiquing their own. They produced some beautiful space artwork with shapes, lines, bright and dark colours. Mrs Bubb was well impressed! #LovePlover

Happy Half Term
Well done to all of Y1 for working hard this half term! Keep up the great reading ready for our phonics screening coming up.📚
A lovely way to end yesterday with PE and family reading. Thank you grown ups for your continued cooperation.
Enjoy the weather, have fun, stay safe!
Mr Meade and Mrs Bubb #LovePlover

Family Reading in the sun!
What a beautiful way to end our summer half term. Thank you to all the parents who came to support their children in reading today. I hope everybody enjoyed the story about The King’s Pants. I really really enjoyed reading it! Shout out to Mr Chandler for signing! Have a fabulous half term everyone!
Clay Coin Making
1M recapped their prior knowledge about coins and then learnt about the meaning of the Kings cypher! They then enjoyed making their own clay coins and imprinted the King’s cypher and then their own cypher! #LovePlover

Children’s University Achievements
During our Community Crew, Mrs Shuka came in to give out certificates for children who have been logging their Children’s University hours. Well done to everyone who got certificates this term. Unbelievably, Sam got 4 certificates adding up to 160 hours! Amazing! The children can earn hours by simply attending after school clubs and some activities outside of school. All you need to do is log in to their account online and enter the code you have been given. Simple! The codes are usually on the school blogs but please ask if you have missed any. Maybe we could have more certificates next half term?