Ice Pop Treats

A big thank you to Raegan who kindly brought in ice pops and lollies for his birthday on Thursday.

Also a big thank you to Jayce who kindly brought in some ice lollies on Friday.

Finally, a big well done to all Y1 for working hard in their phonics screening last weeks, they all enjoyed an ice pop too from Mr Meade and Mrs Bubb! #LovePlover

Recycle to Read Initiative

We have recently signed up to the ‘Recycle to Read’ initiative. This helps the planet and helps our school turn your batteries, which no longer work, into books for school! We are looking for the following batteries (AA, AAA, C, D, 9V) to be brought into school and placed in the collection point at the school office. Please ensure the contact points have been taped over and all batteries are brought in a plastic bag. If we fill our box and send it back, we have the chance to win £50 in book tokens for school. Each time you drop a battery off, your child can follow the link ( to be in with a chance to win their own prize! The competition is open until 14th July. Thank you for your support!

We are Writers Working Hard

This week children have been loving learning about our key text “The Man on the Moon”. They have been writing the different parts of the story in the life of Bob! We have seen some wonderful writing over these last 3 days 🙌🏼📝 #LovePlover

Thank you – Sports for Champions Fundraisers

Well done to all the children who took part in Wednesdays Sports 4 Champions workouts, with professional athlete Leon Baptiste.

A huge thank you to all the bronze, silver and gold fundraisers – you guys raised an incredible £1287.70!

A big congratulations to Jude, Caleb, Helen-Rose and Marcus who were the winning key stage fundraisers! #LovePlover