Pride of Plover.

We are very proud of those who children who have been awarded the yellow T shirt for Pride of Plover each week. Some of our children have only been in school for three weeks and they are already showing us that they can get smart. be kind and work hard. Well done!

#Love Plover


Here is my face!

We have been talking about what makes us special. We have all have some features which are the same and some which are different. We celebrate this in class daily.

Here are our painted faces on the display. Can you tell who is who?

#Love Plover.


Kind friend

Scarlett was very kind to her friend today. Scarlett ordered numbers and when her friend said that she didnā€™t know the numbers, she helped her to learn them.

Well done Scarlett.

Mrs Price


Soft play at Plover!

We are all enjoying our soft play sessions on a Wednesday morning. They are a great favourite with all of the children. They can lead their own learning by using the equipment imaginatively and working together to try out their ideas and help each other.

Those children who will be joining us in September 2023, are invited to the morning sessions too, with their adult. Here you can introduce your children to Plover School, and also have the time to speak to the class teacher and ask questions.

#Love Plover

The plover pantry has been restocked!

We have lots of new items at the Plover pantry! We hope to see you tomorrow !

-Miss Blackham
