Leon Baptiste

F2 have had great fun working with the athlete, Leon Baptiste, this morning. He did some physical exercises with us and told us all about his sporting career and gold medal Olympic wins. Well done to Oliver, Henry, Marcus, Harley and Kaiden that were the F2 gold fundraiser achievers with their sponsorships! Well done and thankyou to everyone that took part.

Miss Wood


Being Kind

Alex has been very kind and helpful towards his peers, helping zip up others coats and putting resources away for them.

Miss Wood


Amazing Writing

Nina did some fantastic independent sentence writing today and even used a connective! Well done, very proud.

Miss Wood



Elliot has come back after half term fully refreshed today and been an absolute superstar! He has engaged brilliantly in his phonics and shown great confidence answering questions infront of his peers.

Mateo also did some fantastic reading in phonics and showed great focus to follow our story.

Miss Wood


F2-Y6 to come in PE Kits on Wednesday

Hi all

For our Sports for Champions athlete work out on Wednesday.

Can we ask that all children from F2,Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6 come in PE kits on Wednesday please.




Huge shoutout to Tommy who has massively improved his attendance this week and has been to school every day!

Almina has been really kind to her peers this week and has been a supertar tidier.

Miss Wood


Aircraft Museum

The children have been so well behaved at the aircraft museum this morning! We really enjoyed exploring the different planes and helicopters and getting to sit in the cockpits.

Miss Wood
