Autumn Handwriting Competition

Choose a poem that is appropriate to your age.

Copy out the poem with beautiful handwriting and presentation.

Give your poem to Mrs Graves by the end of Tuesday 11th October.

I can’t wait to see your wonderful work!

Mrs Graves


Being kind

I was very proud to hear from the dinner staff today that Mateo had been an amazing helper and been kind to his peers.

Miss Wood


Story sequencing

Well done to Maria, Liberty and Sophia who did some amazing story sequencing of Goldilocks and Three bears today and could confidently re tell the story outloud.

Miss Wood



The children have really enjoyed looking at the story of Golidlocks and the Three Bears this week for our expedition learning. In provision we have been role playing the Three Bears and creating our own woodland scenes, with bears.

Miss Wood


Being kind

Siyar was kind to his peers today by sharing the play dough cutters and used his words to get his friends attention.

Miss Wood


Expedition Expert

EYFS had a very exciting morning today as we had our first expert of the expedition come to visit us. Phil Sheppard came and read us some different stories all about bears. He then shared with us a beautiful story that he has written and illustrated himself, about a Bear and the change of seasons. The children were very intrigued by Phil’s story and asked some fantastic questions.

Miss Wood, Mrs Price and Mrs Renwick



Well done to Mateo and Dolunay who could both remember our expedition title today and gave beautiful descriptions of what we are learning about. It’s great to see you leading your own learning during provision.

Miss Wood


Good listening

Well done to Ellis who engaged beautifully in our maths input today and sat on the carpet with his peers.

Miss Wood



Well done to Tommy for working hard in provision today and challenging himself to do his maths work.

Miss Wood