Rainy Days

We have had lots of fun in EYFS this afternoon playing in the puddles. The children loved exploring by jumping in them and seeing how much water they could scoop up using different containers.
If you do not have wellies and waterproofs in school, a polite reminder to ensure that your child brings these in with their name in.

Miss Wood and Mrs Price


Working hard

Well done to Tommy, Lacey and Macey who have challeneged themselves to further learning this afternoon with their phonics work.

Miss Wood


Maths Week – Friday’s Solution

How many texts?

Pete, Sarah, Matt, Amy and Luke are all friends.
Each of them sends one text message to each other person. How many messages are sent in total?

Answer = 20

Children In Need

We have had lots of fun this morning doing Children In Need activities in provision and learning about why we take part in Children In Need. The children showed great compassion in understanding why this is an important fundraiser.

Miss Wood


Maths Week Challenge – Friday

How many texts?

Pete, Sarah, Matt, Amy and Luke are all friends.
Each of them sends one text message to each other person. How many messages are sent in total?

Share your answers with your teachers tomorrow and check back in tomorrow for the answer

Thursday’s Maths Challenge Solution

Space Mission

A rocket blasts off from Earth heading for Mars, getting faster as it travels. In fact, the rocket’s speed doubles every week that it’s in space. If the rocket lands on Mars in week 12, in which week was it halfway there?

Answer: week 11

Maths Week Challenge – Thursday

Space mission

A rocket blasts off from Earth heading for Mars, getting faster as it travels. In fact, the rocket’s speed doubles every week that it’s in space.
If the rocket lands on Mars in week 12, in which week was it halfway there?

Remember to share your answer with your teacher. Check back tomorrow for the answer.

Wednesday’s Maths Challenge Solution

World Cup Puzzle

There are 6 teams in a group. Each team plays every other team twice. How many games are there in total?

Answer = 30 games