What time is it, Mrs Graves?

This week we have been learning to tell the time using an analogue clock. We have recapped o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to, and then moved on to telling the time using 5 minute intervals and in 1 minute intervals.

We enjoyed working together today to build our own clocks to use as our anchor charts in our time lessons.

We have found it quite tricky, as many of use don’t use the traditional clocks. We are much more used to reading digital time on our phones, ovens and cars. So, we would love it if our family at home can help us practise – please keep asking us what time it is, or telling us what time we will be doing things – and please show us what that time looks like on a traditional clock, using the phrases ‘minute hand’ and ‘hour hand’, …. minutes past, ………. minutes to etc.

Mrs Graves
