A huge thank you to all of you wonderful grown-ups who attended our Celebration of Learning on Friday. It was wonderful to see your children so excited to show you what they had been learning; they have definitely taught me some things about William the Conquerer! We hope you enjoyed the quiz and making a catapult.
Tag Archives: #LovePlover
Graffiti Artist!
On Wednesday, we met James! James talked to us all about Graffiti art. Unfortunately, we were a bit too young for the spray paints but we did a fabulous job rolling the background.
1/2K Celebration of Learning
Thank you so much to those wonderful parents who joined us this afternoon for our celebration of learning. They delivered a wonderful presentation of our learning and it was so great to see everyone being super brave to say their own parts. I am so proud of all of you 1/2K!
The children have worked so hard this term as both local Geographers and local Historians. They have shown great enthusiasm learning more about the things they see all the time and I am so proud of their achievements. We were especially proud of our final product. We have created a scheme of learning to teach others BSL, we hope to spread this around to educate and open up conversations for as many people as we can. This has been something that has been very important in our classroom and the impact for our children really has been something special to be a part of.
Finding Half!
In our lesson today we were recognising and finding half of a quantity. We know from our previous lessons that finding a half is when there are two equal groups. Around the room we had different numbers that the children worked in groups to find half of.
We then talked about having an odd numbers. We cannot find a half of an odd number as there will always be a spare.
Marvellous Home Learning in 1C!
Just look at the beautiful work Almina created at home! She has made an entire ocean in a tank and included examples of pollution, which is harming our sea creatures. This is linked to our current expedition in Key Stage 1; The Blue Planet. She also wrote this beautiful piece explaining why it is important that we look after our oceans!
Well done Almina! I am very proud!

3GS coaching mathematics
3GS have been working hard at multiplication. It was great to see some children had the confidence to coach their classmates and help them to the correct answers.
Great teamwork guys, well done!
KS1 Family Reading 📖
Thank you so much to all the lovely parents that came in today to read with your children.
1LI Case Study Reflection
Our current expedition is ‘Not all heroes wear capes: How will I be a hero in my community?’
As part of case study 3, we have investigated the themes of kindness and anti-bullying. Today, the children made a video to share their reflections.
1/2K – Week 3
What we got up to last week:
In PE we have been continuing to work on our team work skills. The children were split into small groups and had the task of getting across the playground using only two skipping ropes without falling off. They were amazing!
In Maths we have been looking at subtraction. We looked at this in a variety of different ways.
Kindness Week: We have loved all of our kindness week activities as part of our new case study! We have made kindness badges (with the help of our lovely Year 6 students) to remind everyone to be kind. We talked about the importance of friendships and what it takes to be a good friend! We had a very special visit from some nurses for our Safe Touch talk. We discussed the importance of positive relationships, what they look like and the importance of trusted adults.