Dance in PE

This term Y4 have been developing their dance skills. Thank you to Legacy Sports Foundation who have supported with cheerleading lessons over the last 3 weeks! #LovePlover

Easter donations to raise funds for Year 6 leavers

We are asking for donations for an Easter raffle to raise funds for Year 6 leavers events. We would be so grateful for any sweet/chocolate donations including Easter eggs. If you could kindly pass on any donations to (myself) Miss Blackham in 6B.

Year 6’s will start to sell raffle tickets for Ā£1 a strip after half-term.

Thank you so much for your support!

-Miss Blackham


We are Getting Smart and Being Kind

Well done to these two beautiful members of 3H who have been working so hard to ā€˜Get Smartā€™ and who have been supporting each other with their learning tasks, ā€˜Being Kind.ā€™ Youā€™re both awesome.

Keep being kind girlies.

Mrs Haycock


Year 6 half term revision challenge!

For every three pages of revision Year 6 pupils complete in their CPG books, children will receive a raffle ticket. If they receive five raffle tickets they will win an Easter egg on return to school.

Your childā€™s class teacher will sign-post the children to complete pages that are relevant to their areas of development.

We are so proud of how hard our Year 6ā€™s are working and their determination to extend their learning at home!

-Miss Blackham


Jack and the Beanstalk Maths

This week, we consolidated our learning on careful counting. Today, we are looked at how we could make 8! In our maths meeting we have started to count aloud in 2s so later in the week ,we will play being the giant and count in 2s to count his 2p coins.

We looked at lots of different ways that we can make 8.

Colour mixing

Today we have been exploring colour mixing. We mixed yellow and blue together to create different shades of green, we then used the green we made, to paint leaves. We discussed how we can make the green paint darker/lighter, by adding more blue/yellow. Tomorrow we are going to practise cutting out our leaves, to create a collaborative beanstalk.

Mrs Williams


Creative Small World

A huge shout out to Ada, Koby, Eymen, Boston and Larah-Jean. It was lovely to see them construct, collaborate and share positive conversations with each other in provision to create their spectacular small world city. It included plants, trees, animals, towers, houses, airports, aeroplanes, farms, schools and roads! #LovePlover

Teddy Bear Rolls

In gymnastics today, we continued to explore floor movements. We practised teddy bear rolls and some children were able to complete forward rolls too. Others need to continue working on their rocking and teddy bear rolls to help develop with their forwards roll. #LovePlover

Drawing Flowers

As part of our final product children will be creating some beautiful art work for their wildflower seed packets. This afternoon we created a model and then the children practiced drawing their flower pictures! #LovePlover