Spring Celebration Of Learning

Thank you to all the grown ups that came to support our celebration of learning this morning. The children enjoyed sharing their learning and singing with the adults, before shattering some wild flower seeds outside. For our final product, the children got to take home their own packet of seeds, that they decorated themselves.

Mrs Williams


Outdoor learning

We had great fun yesterday afternoon, making the most of the sunshine! We went outside to practise our fine motor skills, using chalk to draw caterpillars and butterflies. We then created a hop scotch to practise our gross motor skills.

Mrs Williams


Year 6 maths revision

Please use the above website to access further maths revision. We strongly encourage children to access the revision which they have identified as their area of development and links to their academic pledge.

Any revision that is brought into school will be included into our year 6 prize draw for a range of Easter eggs.

-Miss Blackham


Fractions fun in the sun ☀️

Our lovely Year 6’s enjoyed their maths lesson today outside in the sunshine! They have shown so much determination and resilience this year with their maths learning and we are very proud of them!

Ask your children how to convert a fraction into a percentage!

-Miss Blackham
