We are kind in Crew Lewis

In Crew we have been thinking about how nice it feels when someone is kind to us. Whether they helped us with our work, helped us when we fell over or picked up our coat when it fell on the floor.

We all thought about the last thing we did that was kind and what things we could do to be kind to others. We each made a Kindness Coupon and shared our kind deeds with our friends and grown ups in school and at home.

Mrs Lewis


Leading our own learning in 6B

These superstars led their own learning in our pre-teach of short division this morning. I am so proud of these mathematicians! A perfect example of 4 in the ‘get smart’ strand of their HoWLs.

-Miss Blackham


Proud Y5/6 Footballers

Well done to these 9 superstars who battled and played the best football in the tournament. Unfortunately, we didn’t qualify, just missing out. But they did themselves proud. Shout out to Ellie who was our player of the tournament! #LovePlover

Super home learning in Y6!

So proud of these superstars who spent time revising last night. I am even more impressed that they have come to boosters to build on last night’s revision! A perfect of example of ‘4’ in the ‘get smart’ strand of their HoWLs. Keep up the hard work superstars! 10 crew coins 🙂

-Miss Blackham


Y6 revision halloween competition!

We have three prizes up for grabs for our lovely year 6’s. One of the prizes is for engagement in our revision sites at home, another is for engagement on reading plus at home and the final prize is for attending boosters. Every time a child participates in one of the above, they will have their names put into a hat and three winners will be drawn on Friday 18th October so they can enjoy their halloween treats over the holidays.

Keep working hard Y6 we are so proud of you!

-Miss Blackham


We are Scientific investigators.

2P has investigated which material would be best to construct a castle with. We made simple castles out of aluminium foil, paper, cardboard, plastic, bricks and wood. We then tested whether the materials would easily be destroyed by a projectile, by a strong wind or if they would easily burn. We realised that paper and foil were terrible choices and that the best material would be brick.


Y5/6 Football Tournament Reminder – Tomorrow 3.10.24

Just a reminder that these Y5/6 children are playing in a football tournament tomorrow afternoon (Thursday 3rd October): Shayen B, Kai C, Johnny C, Cameron B, Tim G, Darwin A, Tommy W, Jerzie W, Ellie L

The coach will pick the 9 children and Mr Meade up at 12pm. The coach will drop us back off at Plover after school at approx. 4.30pm, for parents to then pick up.

Can all children please bring to school tomorrow, football boots/trainers, shinpads, water bottle, waterproof coat. Mr Meade will provide sports kit for all the children.

If the time of drop off is earlier or later then 4.30pm [email protected] will email parents to inform you.

Thanks Mr Meade

Colour Run postponed

Unfortunately, due to the continued wet weather, we have had to make the decision to cancel tomorrow’s colour run event. Thank you to all of our children who have kindly donated food goods to the Plover Pantry in recognition of Harvest Festival.

We are going to reschedule the event later in the school year when the weather is suitable. We hope our guest, Ben Parkinson, will be able to join us too!
