Kason is getting brave and Mrs H is dafter than we thought!

Whilst investigating Oobleck, Kason asked a huge amount of questions to build his understanding of its, in Kason’s words, ‘weird properties’. One of his questions was, ‘What does it smell like?’ I told him I didn’t know and to smell it to find out.

’No,’ he said. ‘You smell it!’

Knowing what was coming, I took off my glasses to ‘smell’ the Oobleck. Here is what followed…

We learnt that the Oobleck splits over time to form a watery layer on the top which is what I mainly got all over my face. However, when this watery layer evaporated and my face was dry again, the Oobleck solution left behind a powdery layer which was very tricky to get off! My eyelashes were still white when I got home! Never mind – it was worth it to help your children remember their learning about this Non-Newtonian fluid. Kason had a great time too!

Oh, and to answer K’s question: It doesn’t have a smell!

Mrs Haycock
