Hi Everyone,
The Crew in KS1 wanted to say …

…to all our fabulous children and parents.
It has been a ‘strange’ half term with some of our children working online and some in school. But you have adapted and worked so well. You have made us all super proud.
Over the last week we have been scientists exploring materials, this has included sorting materials, looking at the properties of materials – including burning them! You have seen this work on the class blogs.
Many of you have enjoyed baking this week – I hope you really looked at how materials change when mixed and cooked!

In maths you were creative with the resources you used to help you.

Now I hope you all have a really well earned rest over the half term. Let’s hope that next half term at some stage it is safe enough for us all to be back in the classroom together.
Keep safe everyone
KS1 Crew