Be Kind: How do we show we care?

In F2BP, we have been learning eachother’s names. We talked about feeling special when people know our names. We are going to be kind to our new friends by remembering their names to show we care. The photos show a game we played where we rolled the ball to a friend so they could say their name. After a few rounds, we rolled it to someone and said their name first. By the end, we remembered lots more names.

Does Crew stop at the school gates?

2P have started to answer our Crew guiding question. We discussed that building our community and showing kindness to others should happen everywhere. We have decided to create some fairy doors that we will place in the local community to help cheer everyone up. There will also be some little surprises placed with them! We used our collaboration and critique skills today to design what we wanted to add onto our doors.


We are Crew!

4F enjoyed adding to one of our Crew graffiti walls yesterday. We discussed what Crew means to us, and worked as a team to complete our part of the wall.

PE day

The year 4 PE day is Wednesday. Please remember to come to school in your PE kit every Wednesday.

First day back

Welcome back to school! Yesterday, we launched our Crew week focus, reading. We enjoyed foraging for different materials to make our own book front cover. Some students were inspired by existing stories, like the three little pigs and Indiana Jones.

Day 1 in 2L

It was lovely getting to know the children on their first day today and finding out about their Summer holidays! We began by thinking about our different emotions and about what they would look like on our faces. This afternoon we enjoyed playing some crew building games and working on our listening and communication skills.

I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Mrs Lewis


1CU are Artists!

On our first day in Year 1, 1CU dusted off their creative skills and had a go at some pastel art, based on the artist Wassily Kadinsky. We looked at different pieces he had created and the colours he had used before deciding on how we would use his work as inspiration for our own!

Have a look at some of our beautiful circle drawings using oil pastels!

Y3 Crew field trip!

We hope you have all had a wonderful summer break!

During our first week back, we would like to take the children in year 3 for an XP outdoors experience to litter pick around the local area in places such as the Intake library park and the Multi-use Games Area (MUGA). Litter picking equipment has kindly been provided by the local council. Not only will this act of service improve the local community area used by many of the children at our school, itĀ  will help us to develop our crew.

The trip will be on Friday 30th August 2024 at 9:15-11am.

There is no cost for this field trip. However, we require the children to have sensible outdoor clothing and footwear. 

It would be lovely for as many parents/carers to attend as possible. Please let class teachers know if you are able to support.

A letter should be sent out by the end of the day and we would appreciate it if reply slips could be returned by Thursday 29th August 2024.

Thank you,

Miss Brown and Mrs Haycock

1CR Last Week

Another busy week in 1CR.

As mathematicians, we have been learning how to find one more, one less, and compare numbers and objects. Using the new mathematical signs to compare was tricky, but we persevered and made everyone proud of our determination to understand the concept.

As writers, we have been continuing to develop our handwriting as well as using adjectives to describe the wolf and the pig. We have enjoyed learning about the ‘True Story of the Three Little Pigs’.

As scientists, we have been finding out about the different uses and properties of common materials. This will help us to think about the best materials to use within castles and for protection.

We also enjoyed a special visitor. Heather from the Children’s University visited to tell us all about the university, how to collect hours and to show us what happens at the graduation ceremony.