Making cards for our friends

Today we were thinking about showing kindness and this makes a good crew. The children made cards to give to other people.

Mrs Price


What is important in our crew

As part of learning about crew, we have learnt about expectations in our classroom. We created class norms. These were the children’s ideas and we are ready to celebrate when children remember to do them. Everyone signed it to show that they agreed with it.

Mrs Price and Mrs Bubb


F1 Crew

Itā€™s so lovely to have settled in all of our nursery crew now. They are beginning make lots of new friends and follow school routines – they are little superstars!

Mrs Williams


F2BP postcards

Alex was very helpful at tidy up time today. He remembered our phrase “Choose it, use it, put it away.” He then helped the other children. Thank you Alex.

Leo showed his maths learning in provision and used lots of maths vocabulary. Well done Leo.

Mrs Price


F2ā€™s first PE session

Mr Meade and Mrs Bubb had a great PE session today. We used our heads, hands and hearts. We used our hand to move in different ways. We used our heads to think of different movements and our heart to be kind when playing with our friends. our superstars today were River for explaining the rules so everyone knew how to play and Abbie for being kind and making sure she looked out for people who needed setting free in our ā€˜ bear stuck in the mudā€™ game.


Exciting news! 2L has been lucky enough to have been given a PE slot with the coaches each week.

PE will be on THURSDAY each week so please send your child to school in their PE kit.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Lewis

Blind date with a book

3F picked their favourite book and wrapped it up. On the front of the wrapping, we labelled the reading colour and wrote the first sentence or blurb of the book. We can now add our books to our Crew reading shelf. Would you like a blind date with a book?

Competitive Crew Commando Joe Challenges

Year 3 had great fun on Friday afternoon when they had to work in crew teams to complete the challenges set for them. Communication was key; some of us were great at this, whilst others needed to learn share the air or to listen with more care. Once this was achieved, we were able to work much more effectively as crews and in doing so, we learnt a lot about each other too!

Well done, Year 3. Remember to continue communicating clearly and working to your strengths.

Mrs Haycock
