Healthy Home Learning

It was lovely to welcome some of our grown ups in this morning as part of our expedition learning ā€˜See How Things Growsā€™. Thank you children and grown ups for working hard, getting smart and being kind. We made healthy fruit kebabs, played fruit matching games, paints our favourite fruits, created a fruit bowl collage and made some cool fruit masks! #LovePlover

Fruity Family Learning!

What a wonderful morning we had with our grown-ups! We played games, we made fruit kebabs, we worked collaboratively on a fruit collage, we made fruit masks, we did some really neat colouring. All of us had such a lovely time learning and growing together. Special thanks to the grown-ups who could make it and well done to all the children for showing our grown-ups how we work hard, get smart and be kind.

Fruit Tasting

In expedition this afternoon we were comparing two different fruits. Iā€™ve never seen so much excitement over a watermelon before! We learned that fruits have seeds and vegetables grow from roots and have leaves. Some of the language the children used to describe the pineapple and watermelon were ā€œtangy, sweet, sour, soft, juicy, yummyā€. #LovePlover

Expert Footballer Visitor

Thank you to professional footballer Joe Leesley of JLResilience. He came in this week and motivated our children about his football journey, the hard work he puts in to keep his body healthy and how much fun he has playing football, as well as coaching football. Our children loved scoring goals! #LovePlover

Expert Dancer Visitor

Thank you to our expert visitor Alice, who is a dancer and dance teacher for DARTs. Alice spent the afternoon with our children earlier in the week, inspiring them about how moving our bodies and doing exercise can be so much fun! #LovePlover

Favourite Sport Democracy

Yesterday, we discussed how important exercise and sports is for us to keep healthy. We chose 5 sports that children like to do and then each child could vote once for their favourite. We used a bit of maths to make a bar chart to show our results… and the winner was, SWIMMING! #LovePlover

Thank You Larah-Jean

A big thank you to Larah-Jean for kindly donating a ‘Grow Scroll’, so we can check how tall our friends are and watch us grow! #LovePlover