I Always Get Smart!

Methmi is such a fabulous young lady: she never ceases to amaze me! During Science lessons, we have been thinking about changing states and have been investigating the question: Does temperature affect the rate of melting? She took it upon herself to use a thesaurus to research a bank of vocabulary that she could use in her write up so as she did not repeat herself and to ensure her word choices were appropriate! Well done. What a superstar you are!

Mrs Haycock



Inspired by the Dr Seuss story, we made our own Oobleck and investigated what state of matter it is. During these activities, we discovered that Oobleck is a unique type of liquid called a ‘Non-Newtonian fluid’ which behaves like a solid when pressure is applied. Well done for being super sensible scientists and having fun while doing so!

Miss Brown


Solids, liquids and gases

To kick start our new Science case study, we have been exploring what solids, liquids and gases are. We have found examples around the room, described their properties and explained why they are so different by how their particles are arranged. Super start to the new term! Well done 4B!

Miss Brown


Miss Brown


Inspired by the Dr Seuss story, we made our own Oobleck to investigate states of matter. We were intrigued to discover that Ooblek is a ‘non-Newtonian fluid’, meaning it behaves like both solid and liquid. We then wrote about our observations. Great fun, well done all!

Kason is getting brave and Mrs H is dafter than we thought!

Whilst investigating Oobleck, Kason asked a huge amount of questions to build his understanding of its, in Kason’s words, ‘weird properties’. One of his questions was, ‘What does it smell like?’ I told him I didn’t know and to smell it to find out.

’No,’ he said. ‘You smell it!’

Knowing what was coming, I took off my glasses to ‘smell’ the Oobleck. Here is what followed…

We learnt that the Oobleck splits over time to form a watery layer on the top which is what I mainly got all over my face. However, when this watery layer evaporated and my face was dry again, the Oobleck solution left behind a powdery layer which was very tricky to get off! My eyelashes were still white when I got home! Never mind – it was worth it to help your children remember their learning about this Non-Newtonian fluid. Kason had a great time too!

Oh, and to answer K’s question: It doesn’t have a smell!

Mrs Haycock


We are Scientists!

Is it a solid? Is it a liquid? No it’s a non-Newtonian fluid! Years 3 and 4 have been making and investigating Oobleck this week. They were asked to pay particular attention to its ‘state of matter’ properties and to record how it behaved in a variety of situations. As you can imagine, we had great fun whilst learning lots in 4H!

More investigation photos will be added next week…

Well done everyone: I heard great discussion about the properties of Oobleck – you did a great job of washing it all off of your hands and into your bowls too so we didn’t block the toilet drains! Miss Trindall will be pleased with us all!

Mrs Haycock


Dissecting a heart

We observed Miss Blackham dissecting a lamb heart, as part of our expedition ‘How can a healthy lifestyle impact our body and mind.’

Aqualease visit F2P

What an amazing the day. The children have learnt about creatures that live in rock pools. They were really gentle with the sea creatures and many of them held them. The Aqualease team commented on how polite, respectful and well behaved the children were too.

We hope you enjoy watching our video. There may be more photos to attach.

Mrs Price


F1 Aqualease Visit

We have all had a very exciting day today, Aqualease came to visit us with some rockpools! We saw a starfish, hermit crab, spider crab, coral, shark eggs and lots of other things. We hope you enjoy our video attached below of our exciting expert visitors. Some of us were very brave and even held the sea creatures. Thank you to all parents for your support towards this amazing experience, without you this could not have gone ahead.

Miss Wood
