Year 5 & 6 stargazing ⭐️

Year 5 & 6 had an amazing night at stargazing this evening. They searched for stars and constellations and even had the privilege of working with two space experts who brought in their telescopes! Thank you to Mr Clarke and Adi! A shout out to Rio’s pizzas for our lovely pizza and chips for tea!

-Miss Blackham


Helping our classmates to improve their work

After writing up or scientific report following an investigation into water resistance, I was impressed to see the children using their skills of peer critique to provide kind, helpful and specific feedback to improve their work. A great example of being kind. Well done!

Nursery Are Scientists!

Today we have been scientists and learning to understand the world, focusing on the statement “talk about the difference between materials and the changes they notice”. We explored the dry porridge oats and then made predications on how it might look/feel when we mix them with water. We then made some porridge by adding milk, to taste the oats. Most of us thought the porridge was delicious, but some of us were not a fan.

Mrs Williams


5S investigating air resistance

5S investigated the effect of air resistance on large sheets of card by running with them held in different positions. Interestingly, we found that the card has more air to move aside when held up, meaning we were not able to run quickly. If we held the card on it’s side, the effect of air resistance was reduced and we could run faster.

We discussed some real life examples such as bicycle helmets and clothing, formula one cars and parachutes and described the advantages of streamlined design.

A crime was comitted!

This week, 2P investigated whether their scientific designs would be good enough to protect Humpty Dumpty from being harmed when he falls off the wall. We carried out the fair test and had somewhat disastrous results! Poor Humpty was more than injured by some of our designs! We reflected that the egg needed to be more fully surrounded by soft materials and that maybe a parachute would have been better than balloons.


5S analyse the features of non-chronological reports

5S have worked brilliantly in pairs this morning to analyse the features of an expedition-related text which takes the form of a non-chronoligical report.

We read the text together then identified the features and their purpose, before sharing our ideas as a class.

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

In 2L we have been very busy designing and making a contraption to keep Humpty Dumpty save and stopping him from cracking when he falls. We used our scientific knowledge of materials to choose suitable materials and worked collaboratively to bring our designs to life. We made sure our test was fair and it was very nail biting seeing if we were successful!

Mrs Lewis


Save the eggs!

2P continued our work investigating the properties and suitability of materials. We have been challenged to save Humpty Dumpty so he won’t crack when falling from the wall. We created our own designs using our scientific knowledge and then did a gallery walk to spot the strengths of other people’s designs. We then worked collaboratively to make some of our designs come to life. We must now conduct a fair test to see if they will work!


We are Scientific investigators.

2P has investigated which material would be best to construct a castle with. We made simple castles out of aluminium foil, paper, cardboard, plastic, bricks and wood. We then tested whether the materials would easily be destroyed by a projectile, by a strong wind or if they would easily burn. We realised that paper and foil were terrible choices and that the best material would be brick.
