Powdery eggs, purple teeth and poo in 4G!

We have been scientists this week!

First, we investigated how to look after our teeth:

We looked at the results of the egg experiment we started before half term. We placed eggs into different liquids ( water; orange juice; cola; energy drink and vinegar ) to represent the sugars and acids in the foods and drinks we consume. Our results we amazing – the energy drink’s shell had become a powdery crust and the shell of the vinegar egg completely dissolved, turning the white of the egg completely solid and making the egg resemble a bouncy ball. This showed us that sugars and acids have a negative effect on our teeth.

Building on the experiment, we then looked at how well we clean our teeth, by using disclosing tablets to highlight areas of our teeth we might miss when brushing. We had some very sparkly teeth at the end of that session.

Finally, after learning about the digestive system, we created ‘poo’ in the classroom! Using biscuits, banana and orange juice, a long tube, a funnel, a pair of tights and a knife and fork, we recreated the mechanical process of how we digest our food. We had a gross alert and a few couldn’t watch – but we did have fun!

Mrs Graves


The world of shadows

In an exciting hands-on science lesson, 5M have been exploring the intriguing world of shadows! As part of the case study, they have been experimenting with light and shadow to understand how shadows are formed and how they change throughout the day.

The children loved coming up with different idea and poses to create fun and imaginative ways to interact with the light.

Does light travel in a straight line?

Today 5M carried out an exciting science experiment to explore the fascinating world of light. The focus of the experiment was to observe how light travels in a straight line.

Beanstalk Crafts

This afternoon we noticed our broad bean and runner bean had started to sprout and the shoot was growing. Then we became scientists and used STEM to see who could build the tallest beanstalk… Check out their brilliant beanstalks! #LovePlover

It’s ‘bean’ a busy afternoon

In expedition this afternoon, we shared different thoughts about what we can do with beans. The children named various types of beans. We noticed beans can be different colours and shapes. Then we made some delicious beans on toast and discussed how beans are healthy for our bodies. We used our knife and fork skills to cut up the toast and before we ate “fork to stick and pick, knife to cut and scrape”. We of course tidied and cleaned up after ourselves! #LovePlover

Parts of a Plant

Yesterday we looked at the different parts of a plant. We learnt how a plant grows from a seed into a seedling, then sprouts into a stem, grows leaves and the bud then opens to create the flower. #LovePlover

What do plants need to grow?

Today we have been scientists and learnt what plants need to grow. We discussed if we need the same/different things to help us grow.
Shout out to Aaron this morning who said ā€œplants and children are both living thingsā€.

This afternoon we acted out how plants grow with Mrs Bubb. We started of as the tiny seed, and grew into a beautiful plant. We remembered that the roots go down and the shoots go up.

Mrs Williams