Pride Of Plover

This week Olly and Penny are rocking our Pride Of Plover badges! Olly has done amazing work towards his individual targets and has worked hard participating in sensory story. Penny is one of our early starters and has settled amazingly into nursery, and is always being a kind friend.

Miss Wood


F2 Pride of Plover

Well done to our fantastic Pride of Plover winners this week.

Oliwia has been working hard especially in her reading and writing. Noah has been coming into school and following his morning routine really well. You are both superstars.

Mrs Price


F2 Pride of Plover

Today we chose Harry and Reeshan. Harry has been working hard particularly in maths. He has been coaching his friends and showing them different ways to solve problems. Reeshan has settled well into school after only starting a few weeks ago. Both boys were really happy to get their certificates.

You are both superstars.

Mrs Price


Pride Of Plover

This weeks Pride Of Plover has gone to Ocean and Otis. Both children have settled into school beautifully, work so hard and are kid members of our crew. They are a pleasure to teach and always have a smile on their faces, so proud of you both, keep it up.

Miss Wood


F2 Pride of Plover

Well done to Max and Georgia for earning our badges this week. Max has been working really hard and getting smart, especially in phonics. He has been kind helping his friends too. Georgia has been a good helper especially when children have struggled with their learning. She has been kind to grown-ups too. Mrs Reeve said that Georgia has been working hard in phonics. You are both superstars.

Mrs Price


Pride Of Plover

Our Pride Of Plover this week has gone to Minadi and Skyla. Both girls are always eager to learn, show an excellent attitude to learning and are kind/caring members of our crew. Minadi has settled beautifully into our school routines as an early starter. They are both a pleasure to have in our crew. Keep working hard superstars.

Miss Wood


Pride Of Plover

This week our Pride Of Plover badges have gone to Ali and Sylas, well done boys!

Ali has done absolutely amazing with his toilet training this week, and has settled really well back into school routines.

Sylas has shown a huge improvement in his attention and a listening this week and has been kind to his peers. Keep it up.

Miss Wood


Pride Of Plover

Niana has had our Pride Of Plover this week, for working on learning to her write her name. Niana is also one of the kindest members of our crew, who always works hard and looks out for her peers. Keep it up Niana.

Miss Wood
