F2 Pride of Plovers

A huge well done to Reuben and Riley this week on being our pride of Plovers. Both children have had such a calm week, being very kind and helpful to others and our learning provisions. They also have been working really hard on their phonics, now knowing more sounds and writing the letters to match. #LovePlover

F1 Pride Of Plover

On Friday we started our first community crew in nursery! A huge shoutout to Carter and Aaron who were our first pride of Plover winners, for improved behaviour, well done boys. A special big well done to the children who were awarded postcards as well, for amazing learning throughout the week: Freyah, Ocean, Otis, Mason and Minadi. Keep working hard, getting smart and being kind F1, I canā€™t wait to give lots more of awards out!

Mrs Williams


F2 Pride of Plover

Big shout out to Koby and Isaac for excellent attitudes in school.

Isaac has shone his light this week, sprinkling kindness just when people needed it!

Kobyā€™s behaviour has been brilliant and he has worked so hard in maths using good language to describe shapes.

Pride of Plover

Congratulations to the Key Stage 1 Pride of Plover winners this week. It was brilliant to hear how you demonstrated such determination and focus in your learning, always working hard and getting smart. Even better still was hearing how kind you all are and how well you use your manners. Well done everyone!


Pride of Plover

A huge well done to our double bill of pride of plover winners this week, we are so proud of how you are demonstrating the plover pledge.

F2 Pride of Plover

Niana is the Pride of Plover in F2BP for always being so kind and working so hard in school. F2Mā€™s Pride of Plover has been an absolute superstar too who can write name beautifully. #LovePlover

F2 Pride of Plovers

Well done to Jacoby in F2BP for starting to blend in phonics, you little superstar. Well done to Laura in F2M, for being the sweetest little girl and for knowing all her phonics sounds that we have learnt so far. #LovePlover

The KS1 Pride of Plover

Congratulations to the first Pride of Plover winners in KS1 this year. You have shown us that you work hard, get smart and be kind! Thank you also to the grown-ups who were able to join us for this morning’s celebration.
