Pride Of Plover

This week our Pride Of Plover badges went to Farhan and Nusang! Both boys have done absolutely fantastic in their phonics and maths assessments, showing great progress. I am so proud of how hard you have been working, keep it up.

Miss Wood


F2P Pride of Plover

Well done to Oscar for being our Pride of Plover today. Oscar has been working and has been coaching other children especially in maths. He has been using his fantastic ideas in small world play. He has been kind and his listening has improved.

Mrs Price


KS1 Pride of Plover Winners

Well done to Ines, Sienna, Kodie-Lee, Ellis, Nina and Ellie who are our Pride of Plovers this week!

Some of the reasons being: 100% attendance all year, improved reading, working hard on their writing, improved behaviour and lovely, kind children! #LovePlover

F2 Pride of Plover

Congratulations to our F2 Pride of Plover winners this week. Bobby has tried so hard to follow the Plover Pledge and has got a 4 this week. Well done Bobby. Imisi has been trying lots of new things and sitting in the dinner hall. Well done Imisi.

Mrs Price


Pride Of Plover

This week Aayan and Jaxon got our Pride of Plover badges. Both boys have shown fantastic focus when doing their sea creature collages, as part of our final product this week. I am so proud of the beautiful work you have produced, keep it up.

Miss Wood


Pride Of Plover

This week Olly and Penny are rocking our Pride Of Plover badges! Olly has done amazing work towards his individual targets and has worked hard participating in sensory story. Penny is one of our early starters and has settled amazingly into nursery, and is always being a kind friend.

Miss Wood


F2 Pride of Plover

Well done to our fantastic Pride of Plover winners this week.

Oliwia has been working hard especially in her reading and writing. Noah has been coming into school and following his morning routine really well. You are both superstars.

Mrs Price
