F2P Pride of Plover

Congratulations to Raegan for getting our yellow t-shirt today. He was very proud. Raegan had tried so hard in his learning in school and at home and has moved up a reading shelf this week. Well done Raegan. You are a superstar.

Mrs Price


Fantastic caring

Our yellow T-shirt was awarded to Avaarni today for being a fantastic model of our Plover pledge. She has been working hard and has been so thoughtful and caring in her responses to other children.

Well done Avaarni. We are very proud of you,

Mrs Price


3G Pride of Plover

Our class were keen to award Eden our Pride of Plover certificate this week, because of how hard she has worked since joining us and how well she has done at settling in and making new friends.

Well done Eden, you are a great addition to our class.

Mrs Graves


Double Pride of Plover

What a coincidence! Mrs Lewis selected Letti for Pride of Plover and completely separately I selected Lola! So we are going to be seeing double yellow T-Shirts in Year 3 and 4 after the holidays! Working hard and putting in great effort must run in the family! Well done girls!

Mrs Graves


Showing care

Our Pride of Plover today went to Isla. She has been a superstar helping and caring for other children. She has really impressed me with how she is looking out for the needs and feelings of others.

Well done Isla.

Mrs Price
