Rainy Days

We have had lots of fun in EYFS this afternoon playing in the puddles. The children loved exploring by jumping in them and seeing how much water they could scoop up using different containers.
If you do not have wellies and waterproofs in school, a polite reminder to ensure that your child brings these in with their name in.

Miss Wood and Mrs Price


We are geographers

This week we are learning about where bears live and what they eat. We have been using different sources of information and today used a map of the world. The children were very interested in looking for different places.

Have a look at what we found out.

Some of the children drew their own bears and they all created fact files about bears.

Mrs Price


Reading star

Well done to Jaxon for trying so hard in reading. He was so excited to show that he could read the words.

Mrs Price


Maths Week – Friday’s Solution

How many texts?

Pete, Sarah, Matt, Amy and Luke are all friends.
Each of them sends one text message to each other person. How many messages are sent in total?

Answer = 20

I can make 5 and record in different ways.

This week we have been making 5 in different ways. The children have been challenged to record what they found out. Over the week they have drawn Numicon, beads, used a part whole model and today they used numbers alongside manipulatives including their fingers. Some children are able to say number bonds without using manipulatives.

I am looking forward to next week when we learn greater and less than.

Mrs Price


Perseverance pays off

Lola has been working hard in reading and has struggled to blend sounds in words but today got excited when she read some words on her own.

Keep trying Lola. Your perseverance is paying off.

Mrs Price


Sharing is caring

In crew this week we have been focussing on Being Kind. One of the areas we talked about was sharing. Today Flynn and Kayson showed this in action in the vehicle area. They shared the vehicles, listened to each others ideas of how to extend the area and added to the story they made.

The other children said that sharing was caring for each other and they both showed this.

Mrs Price


Yellow t-shirt

Our yellow t-shirt went to Kaiden-John today for working hard. Kaiden-John enjoys creating things and goes back to his learning improving what he has made.

Well done Kaiden-John.

Mrs Price
