Well done to the 9 Y2 children who took part in this afternoons Dodgeball tournament at Armthorpe Academy! Lots of energetic and enthusiasm shown by all! #LovePlover

Well done to the 9 Y2 children who took part in this afternoons Dodgeball tournament at Armthorpe Academy! Lots of energetic and enthusiasm shown by all! #LovePlover
5S spent this afternoon building on last week’s skills by introducing forehand and backhand techniques using rackets, playing small rallies to work on their ball control. Well done!
What a fantastic afternoon these 9 tag rugby superstars had yesterday. Learning new skills, being competitive and showing positive attitudes throughout the competition. Shout out to Elian who despite a little travel sickness showed great resilience to take part! #LovePlover
It is great to see lots of girls at Plover School getting active and taking part in football sessions. A huge shout out to Milana in Y1 who has joined a local grass roots football team! #LovePlover
We had a mini champions league tournament last night. It was a close one… but BLUE PSG prevailed! #LovePlover
We used our background knowledge around caterpillars and butterflies, to create actions and movements for our dance. We worked on counting and movements to the musics to create our dance routine! #LovePlover
Well done to everyone who took part in the gymnastics event; you were all awesome!
You were so brave – the high beam and the bars looked so scary but you all did it. I am so proud of each and every one of you!
Mrs Haycock