F2BP World Book Day

We had a wonderful day for World Book Day. Thank you to Catherine from the Literacy Trust for sharing the Gruffalo story with us and for the books that the children were able to take home. We played character guessing games, made pictures of our costumes for other people to guess and even went to the book store in school to choose our books.

Thank you also to our families for the wonderful costumes.

Mrs Price


Exciting news!

Exciting news! Our caterpillars have arrived. They are very small and we will be watching them to see how they grow. We have learnt about the life cycle and lots of new words too. Hopefully the caterpillars will become butterflies!

Mrs Price


Making maps

We looked at photos of the woods and made a large map. We used the words that we had learnt for direction and position. The children then made their own maps.

Well done everyone

Mrs Price


Dance in F2 PE

We put actions and dance moves to act out The Three Little Pigs story. As well as enjoying some active dance games. #LovePlover

Seeing Double

In Maths today, we noticed if we could spot double or not. We explained that if the two parts are equal numbers then they are double. The children were able to consolidate their learning and make different doubles. #LovePlover

Pancake Day in F2

Some children had pancakes for breakfast, some children chose pancakes for pudding, we all made and ate pancakes for afternoon snack, and some might have pancakes for tea too. We learnt to make and mix the pancake batter. Then cooked the pancakes and enjoyed fresh orange juice or jam on top! #LovePlover

Working Hard Weeding

What a lovely afternoon out in the Spring sunshine! During outdoor provision, all of Crew Meade worked hard to rake, scrape, dig and pull out all the weeds, debris, dead roots and twigs in our planters. Then Crew Price came and helped by planting some daffodils bulbs! We can’t wait to see them grow… #LovePlover