On Monday we explored the number 2. We noticed one and one more makes two. Children were able to subitise 2 quickly and make groups of 2. Yesterday and today we explored the number 3. Children noticed 1 and 1 and 1 makes 3, but also 2 and 1 makes 3. Children were speedy at subitising 3 and then they enjoyed going outside to make a collection of 3. #LovePlover
Mathematicians – representing numbers to 10,000
Today, we used base 10 to represent numbers up to 10,000.
Leading our own learning in 6B!
These superstars have been smashing it and I am so, so proud of them! They have been using additional maths resources and videos on our Year 6 maths site to lead their own learning this week. They have been working hard to reflect on their own learning and identify their next steps to ensure they are secure.
Keep it up you lovely lot!
-Miss Blackham
What can you see?
In maths today we thought about what we could see on different pictures. We used our subitising skills and shared our ideas.
Mrs Price
Marvellous maths!
6B have been working so hard in maths this morning. They were reading and writing numbers up to 10,000,000. I am so proud of their attitudes to learning!
-Miss Blackham
What time is it, Mrs Graves?
This week we have been learning to tell the time using an analogue clock. We have recapped o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to, and then moved on to telling the time using 5 minute intervals and in 1 minute intervals.
We enjoyed working together today to build our own clocks to use as our anchor charts in our time lessons.
We have found it quite tricky, as many of use don’t use the traditional clocks. We are much more used to reading digital time on our phones, ovens and cars. So, we would love it if our family at home can help us practise – please keep asking us what time it is, or telling us what time we will be doing things – and please show us what that time looks like on a traditional clock, using the phrases ‘minute hand’ and ‘hour hand’, …. minutes past, ………. minutes to etc.
Mrs Graves
Where is the treasure?
In maths this week we are continuing to solve problems using direction and number bonds. The children had to read the clues and follow the directions. When they had found where the treasure was, there was another clue. Using 10 frames and their knowledge of number bonds, they had to solve the problem for the pirate.
Rishaa was confident at giving directions and tried to help her friends by drawing the directions as they moved. She realised that it depended which way you were facing for left and right and kept turning the paper round. She then realised that forwards and backwards didn’t match left and right!
Mrs Price
Travelling around the Land of Nod
Today in maths we used lots of directional words and position words. The children were able to use forwards, backwards and sideways. Some of the children are competent at using left and right.
We moved around the different places in the story.
Mrs Price
The Land of Nod Map
We put the pictures from the story onto the right place on our giant floor map. We used above, below, to the side, right and left. We asked the children to stand on one place in the map and follow our directions. We used left, right, forwards and backwards to get to different parts of The Land of Nod.
Mermaid maths
In our story this week, the mermaid was running out of time. It started with ten minutes and on each page a minute passed. We used our cubes on the carpet to represent the minutes passing. We could see the minutes that had passed on the floor and the minutes that were left in our hands. We saw our number bonds to ten and the subtraction facts that go with it. We loved seeing the patterns and some of us knew the numbers because we can remember our number bonds to ten, without having to count. After that, in provision, some awesome mathematicians wrote down what we had found out.