Bobby’s awesome home learning 💙

I could not be prouder of Bobby-Jack who went home last night and wanted to continue his expeditionary learning at home. He has produced the most beautiful home learning! A total star! 10 crew coins Bobs!

-Miss Blackham


We are historians

Year 5 have been researching the history of trains and producing a timeline.

LKS2 Digital Map Final Product

Here is a link to the digital map we have produced to reflect our community. It contains links to biographies and fact splats written by the children and about where some people in our community come from and what the Romans did for Doncaster.

We are hoping to have a physical sign positioned at the entrance to school soon.

Mrs Graves


XP trust launches their Rail City book! 🚆💙

Jasper and Sienna represented Plover today at the XP rail city book launch at Danum gallery. They were the first to look through the exciting book which includes a selection of work from the XP trust schools over the past ten years all linked to rail heritage in Doncaster.The book is available to purchase at Waterstones!

-Miss Blackham


I am extending my learning!

Shout out to this superstar who has gone above and beyond to extend his already extensive knowledge about our expedition over the last couple of weeks! Well done Ellis: you really do take great pride in your work, young man! You should be ridiculously proud of yourself.

Mrs Haycock


1M Remember

Thank you to our expert visitors this week – ex Army Steph and Cornet player Sean!

Shout out to Elisa’s continued hard work and beautiful home learning. Well done to Mateo for working hard in Maths and expedition.

We have been artists this week in expedition using different materials and techniques to create our Flanders Fields and Poppy Wreath art!

We have been writers and learned about subjects and verbs, to write some lovely independent sentences.

In crew we learned about being a good friend.

A little visitor left us a special note to keep an eye on 1M ready for World Kindness day next week…

Have a great weekend 1M!

Mr Meade #LovePlover

Some beautiful work to acknowledge remembrance day throughout the school ❤️

We started our day with a beautiful assembly led by our gorgeous year 5’s. They recalled knowledge from their WWII Expedition last year. They then were joined by some year 2’s who read their kenning poems and then Mr Chandler played a beautiful song ‘the last post on the trumpet whilst we all gave a minutes silence. I have then been sent some gorgeous work throughout school of remembrance work that children have been engaging with in crew this week.

Well done everyone!

-Miss Blackham


We will remember them!

A huge shout out to our gorgeous Year 5’s who with some support from Year 2 pupils, led today’s remembrance assembly. I am so proud I just had to share the gorgeous song they finished their assembly with!

-Miss Blackham
