Nursery have worked hard to create their own hand print poppies, which we then stuck together to create a whole class wreath. We learnt about why we celebrate Remembrance Day and what the poppies stand for.
Mrs Williams
Nursery have worked hard to create their own hand print poppies, which we then stuck together to create a whole class wreath. We learnt about why we celebrate Remembrance Day and what the poppies stand for.
Mrs Williams
This week we have been learning about how we can make our light shine, through different festivals and being kind to others. To end the week, we celebrated with our own glow party! The children loved it and showed they had some fantastic dance moves.
Mrs Williams
Big shout out to Koby and Isaac for excellent attitudes in school.
Isaac has shone his light this week, sprinkling kindness just when people needed it!
Koby’s behaviour has been brilliant and he has worked so hard in maths using good language to describe shapes.
This October half term, 9 members of staff from across XP Trust travelled to San Diego to work with the best project based learning teacher in the world – Jeff Robin. Each teacher brought with them a personally crafted exemplar – a tangible product of their passion and planning – to refine and inspire transformative future Expeditions.
Inspired by Jeff’s groundbreaking work at High Tech High, the school that inspired XP, they sought to elevate their teaching through creativity, activism, and lasting legacy. Away from the familiar, they embraced new ideas in a setting that ignited their imagination…
Stay tuned for the full length documentary and story of Jeff Tech High…
Crew White Supports the Eve Merton Trust @ XP East
We are asking children to join us next Friday wearing pyjamas in aid of Children in need. We did not want to ask parents to spend further money on costumes/outfits etc. However, if your child has children in need clothes, they are more than welcome to wear them instead of pyjamas.
We are kindly asked that any donations are made via this parent pay link –
Thank you for your continues support.
-Miss Blackham
To celebrate shining our lights this week, we had a glow party. All week we have noticed kindness in the jobs people do and also in ourselves and how we spread kindness like light. We are so proud of all our children this week- they light up our lives every single day!
We look forward to welcoming Boggledybook Children’s Book shop into school next Thursday. A great opportunity to buy great value children’s books at £1, £2 and £3. Children can bring money into school and will visit the book shop throughout the day.
Mrs Graves
2P had a fabulous time on our fieldwork visit to Sandall Beat Woods. We learnt about the food that poor and rich people would have eaten in Medieval times and how food was cooked over open fires. We made some Peasant food. We used the vegetables that would have been available at the time to make a simple vegetable soup. The children were really surprised at how tasty it was – well, most of them! We then made our own piece of flat bread, which was cooked in the clay oven. Finally, we did our own cooking over the fire to make caramelised apples and smores. We then constructed a simple castle structure and tested our security with a flour bomb attack. We just about got away unscathed! We practised our soldier skills and then had a flour bomb fight to see if we could beat our opposition. It was a fabulous visit and we are now much more knowledgeable about different roles in a castle.
The children were over the moon to receive their certificates from the Legacy Sports football competition last half term. #LovePlover
The children in F1 and F2 loved their party and looked so bright and cool! #LovePlover