Travel Tracker badges

Well done to those in 3B who have earned their travel tracker badge this past month for choosing environmentally friendly, healthier alternatives to travelling to school by walking, scootering or cycling. Keep it up to see if you can earn the badge for February!

Miss Brown


Orla Kiely inspired artwork in Y2

Today in 2L we began our Orla Kiely inspired artwork. We have found out about Orla’s bold, printing style and we have used that to create our own work of art. The children are looking forward to completing their work later on in the week.

Can you guess what our artwork might be?

Mrs Lewis


Our spring booster prize for Year 6!

We are so proud of those children who are attending boosters each morning. We wanted to share our latest prize for those children who attend 95% or more of booster sessions with a McDonalds breakfast on the last day of this term.

Boosters run from 8:20 each morning and consist of independent maths on a Monday, teacher led SPaG on a Tuesday, teacher led reading on a Wednesday and small focus group maths on a Thursday. It would be amazing to see ALL year 6 pupils attending these sessions.

-Miss Blackham


Building our crew

As part of Motivation Monday, Year 5&6 pupils had to write unknown facts about themselves to place in the centre of the circle. They then each took it in turns to guess who had written the fact. In our debrief, we discussed how we had learnt a lot about people we thought we already knew quite well and we then linked this to sharing what type of ā€˜learnerā€™ we all are so we can support one anotherā€™s styles academically.

-Miss Blackham


Brushing Teeth Experiment

Over the weekend the children were given a dental disclosing tablet – a fun and important experiment for children to understand and see the important of brushing and keeping all their teeth clean! What a cool toothbrush Ada has, it flashes red for 2 minutes so she knows that she has been brushing for the correct amount of time. Check out some of our gleaming smiles!

Planting in Y2

In Y2 we have been checking in on our planting experiments from last week. The seeds we watered had started to grow but the one without sunlight did not look very healthy. The ones we planted without water have not done anything at all. The children’s predictions were correct, plants need water, sun and the correct temperature to grow healthy and strong.

It was great to see some children’s cress plants come back into class so we could see how they had grown. Well done to our green-fingered classmates!

Mrs Lewis
