World Book Day Competition 🌎📗❤️

It is just over a week till World Book Day (Thursday 7th March) and what better way to get into the mood than a fun, arty competition!

Think about your favourite book and then represent it with arts and crafts in a box – yes, A BOOK IN A BOX!

You can be as creative and imaginative as you like!

Bring your entries into school on World Book Day – can’t wait to see your creations!

Mrs Graves


Dictionary Detectives in 4H

We have been so fortunate to receive funding to buy brand new dictionaries throughout school, providing all classes from Year 2 upwards a set of dictionaries and thesauruses – and 4H were the first class to use them!

We were investigating homophones, and they used the dictionaries to research the definitions of the homophones, so they could make sure they had selected the correct one.

Well done 4H!

Mrs Graves


Run, run as fast as you can!

During outdoor play, the children read clues to find the Gingerbread Man. They used their phonics skills to sound out words. They read the clues and were successful in finding the Gingerbread Man. He will be hiding again tomorrow and there will be more clues to find!

Mrs Price and Mrs Bubb


We Are Storytellers

Over the past two days we have been working hard to re-tell the story of the Gingerbread Man, using masks. The children have become very good at remembering key phrases and leading their own learning to re-tell the story during provision.

Miss Wood
