Acceptable and Unacceptable Behaviours

In crew yesterday we discussed which behaviours we want to see in our class and school. Then which behaviours are unacceptable and we DONā€™T want to see in our class or school. We have put it on our crew wall to remind us!

We have been using our cutting and sticking skills to make cards for our new crew friends too.

Time to read crew- making book reviews for our friends

In time to read crew, Year 6 have been creating book reviews based on their recent reads. We have filled our new book corners with these reviews to inspire our friends to read our favourite books. Our challenge is to add a range of genres to our reviews. Once children have read a book recommended by a friend, they are going to add their own mini reviews on post it notes.

Keep reading 6B!

-Miss Blackham


What is important in our crew

As part of learning about crew, we have learnt about expectations in our classroom. We created class norms. These were the children’s ideas and we are ready to celebrate when children remember to do them. Everyone signed it to show that they agreed with it.

Mrs Price and Mrs Bubb


Kind Koby in Crew

In Crew Meade today, we created our class norms of how we want and expect our crew and friends to behave in our class, our school and our world. Koby came up with some lovely suggestions on how to be kind and showed it first hand, by using kind hands and telling a teacher when something happened with another child. #LovePlover

The great Plover bake off- prizes to be won!

We would love all children, parents, carers and family members to get involved with our great Plover bakeoff with amazing prizes to be won! If you want to get involved, please donate your bakes to Miss Blackham (Y6 teacher) or Mrs Blackham (well-being), Miss Lister or Mrs Roe on either Tuesday 24th September or Wednesday 25th September. All proceeds from the sale will go towards Macmillan.

We would also be grateful for shop bought donations too.

Everyone is invited to our Macmillan coffee afternoon, the awards will be announced on Wednesday 25th September at 2pm.

Any remaining cakes will be on school outside 6B at 3:15pm.

Thank you for your support and lets raise money for a very worthy cause together!

-Miss Blackham


Competitive Crew Commando Joe Challenges

Year 3 had great fun on Friday afternoon when they had to work in crew teams to complete the challenges set for them. Communication was key; some of us were great at this, whilst others needed to learn share the air or to listen with more care. Once this was achieved, we were able to work much more effectively as crews and in doing so, we learnt a lot about each other too!

Well done, Year 3. Remember to continue communicating clearly and working to your strengths.

Mrs Haycock


What does Crew mean to me?

3H have been really busy this week thinking about ā€˜What Crew means to themā€™ and how they could show this in an ā€˜act of kindnessā€™. We realised quickly that Crew means looking after each other and the area we live and work in. To show an act of kindness, we decided to head out into the community and give it a good old clean up.

With litter pickers and bags in hand, 3H came back with more litter than I even imagined!

Well done everyone! Your act of kindness did not go unnoticed by your community!

Mrs Haycock


Y5 RSPCA visit

As part of our first week back and developing our new crews, some of our Y5 pupils had the opportunity to visit the RSPCA. They were able to meet some of the dogs who are waiting to find their forever home. Y5 are working on a very exciting project with the RSPCA so watch this space- more details to follow shortly!

-Miss Blackham
