To celebrate shining our lights this week, we had a glow party. All week we have noticed kindness in the jobs people do and also in ourselves and how we spread kindness like light. We are so proud of all our children this week- they light up our lives every single day!
Shining a light. How Can I be Kind?
Today, in F2, we started our the half term lighting up our classroom with Diwali. We learned about the festival. We made some beautiful art. We made some delicious sweets. As we go along the week we will learn more about festivals and how we can shine our light to be kind. How do you shine?
We Care Wednesday Crew Chain
As a crew, we have been thinking hard about what makes a good friend and reflecting on how each of us show this. I have been assured by my friends that I give the best hugs. Other crew mates always include people in their games or help people if the look sad by making them laugh. We have each designed a link to create our own ‘Crew’ friendship chain. I look forward to adding the final product to our Crew board.
Keep on being amazing, Crew Haycock and remember: we all need a great friend to help us through our experiences. You might be that special person for someone who can help them in their time of need. Whatever that need may be.
Mrs Haycock
We are being kind
Well done to everyone who has helped a friend out at some point this week. You are all so kind!
I hope your kindness is paid back at some point and that others follow your great examples of being Crew in the classroom!
Mrs Haycock
Mental health matters- wearing something yellow in 6B
It is so important to talk about mental health. Today in 6B, we discussed how important it is to always share how you are feeling. We also discussed tips and techniques to support your own mental health.
Ask your children to share these with you!
-Miss Blackham
Sharing stories together in year 5 and 6
Today, in time to read Tuesday, crew Schofield were welcomed by crew Blackham where we shared stories together. It was great to see the pairs and small groups listening attentively and sharing the reading so well.
We are Crew!
It was so lovely this morning. We had a F2 Crew Competition. The challenge was to fill our own bucket of water, using a small container to transfer the water from the the water tray. We encouraged our crew members to speed up, slow down and keep going. It was so close! For a final challenge, we had to carry our full container all the way back to the water tray, using helpful hands and working together. Mr Meade’s crew were awesome at this! We were all so impressed by how the children supported each other! #love plover
We are kind in Crew Lewis
In Crew we have been thinking about how nice it feels when someone is kind to us. Whether they helped us with our work, helped us when we fell over or picked up our coat when it fell on the floor.
We all thought about the last thing we did that was kind and what things we could do to be kind to others. We each made a Kindness Coupon and shared our kind deeds with our friends and grown ups in school and at home.
Mrs Lewis
E- Safety
For today’s We care Wednesday Crew session, we created posters for some advice about E-safety. We discussed the importance of not sharing private information online, being kind online and how we should tell a trusted adult if we are ever sad or unsure of the things we see online. Well done Crew Brown.
Miss Brown
Awesome home learning in UKS2
These superstars were so proud when sharing their beautiful home learning in community crew this morning. We love to see all the awesome work our 5 & 6’s get up to at home. 10 crew coins to you all! Keep up the hard work.
-Miss Blackham