-Miss Blackham
-Miss Blackham
Our lovely Year 6’s spread Christmas cheer yesterday at a local care home. With thanks to Charlotte’s florist, they helped the residents create Christmas flower pots. We are so proud of our year 6’s showing activism in our community and spreading kindness at a time that can be difficult for many. Superstars
️-Miss Blackham
-Miss Blackham
Yesterday, ahead of our visit to a care home, year 6 made a range of Christmas treats to hand out. They are so excited to spread some Christmas cheer this afternoon. Check our blog tomorrow morning to see what we got up to!
-Miss Blackham
Yesterday, yellow crews enjoyed a belated reward for their efforts during the summer term (you may recall we postponed it due to bad weather), in the form of a disco! The children had a great time and should be proud of how hard they worked at their HoWLs during the summer term to earn this reward.
It was also lovely to note that all three crews received an award for coming top of crew coins for the terms of last year. ☺️
As a crew we have been working on getting better at things. Today we worked at improving our core strength to help us with our writing by doing tummy time. The children created circles, lines, zig-zags, curves and dots. They really enjoyed the session and want to do it again!
Mrs Price
In crew, 6B created a beautiful bauble for our class Christmas tree with our new academic pledges on after our assessment week last week. 6B have been so reflective with their areas for development and I know they are going to smash them!
-Miss Blackham
In crew we discussed what kind meant to us, how we can be kind and how others can show kindness. #LovePlover
As part of parliament week, crews around school engaged in learning about parliament and its processes in our country. This helps us to understand the British values of democracy and law.
Crew Schofield enjoyed engaging in their own parliamentary style debates on issues affecting our school, learning how they link to the manner in which bigger decisions are made for our country. They also enjoyed learning about the process of a general election and how that determines our representation in parliament.
In our photos, members of our ‘house’ were voting on a bill that proposed the banning of football at lunchtimes!
We have been thinking really carefully about what makes a good friend during our We Care Wednesday Crew sessions. We have thought about friendships such as Shrek and Donkey; R2D2 and C3PO; and Woody and Buzz. We considered how we knew that they were friends and what they would do if they ever had a falling out. Then we thought about our own friendships and how we could react or respond to our friends if we ever fall out.
Well done everyone, let’s look after each other and do all we can to support and care for each other.
Mrs Haycock