Crew Schofield Review Books

Crew Schofield selected some of their favourite titles to begin designing book review posters.

It was great to see you collaboratively decide upon which books to review, then considering summaries and your favourite parts of each story, encouraging future readers to pick up a book!

Building our crew

As part of Motivation Monday, Year 5&6 pupils had to write unknown facts about themselves to place in the centre of the circle. They then each took it in turns to guess who had written the fact. In our debrief, we discussed how we had learnt a lot about people we thought we already knew quite well and we then linked this to sharing what type of ā€˜learnerā€™ we all are so we can support one anotherā€™s styles academically.

-Miss Blackham


Road Safety with Year 5

A huge thank you to our visitors from Doncaster Council who visited year 5 this morning to talk about all aspects of road safety. We have all pledged to wear seatbelts in cars, helmets when riding bikes and scooters, always undertaking activities in a safe manner, away from traffic.

There was some amazing engagement from the class who listened attentively throughout, you really are ‘getting smart’!

Reading Crew Schofield

It was lovely to see members of Crew Schofield engaged with beautiful reading today, it was especially lovely to see the less confident readers being supported by some of our more confident crew members. True crew, you’re all so kind and hardworking!

Our expert community visitor!

As part of developing our wider community crew, Laura from Doncaster Council came to launch an exciting project with our Year 6 pupils with the intention to make Doncaster a better place. They were so enthusiastic when sharing their ideas and articulating why their community is important to them. I canā€™t wait to see what comes of this exciting opportunity!

-Miss Blackham


UKS2 have been building their phase crew!

On our motivation Monday crew, Year & 6 children have been going head to head against other crews in a range of team building activities. This week, the children had to see how many baskets they could score in five minutes as a crew. I am so pleased to announce Crew Blackham were the overall winners!

I was so proud of the great sportsmanship I saw during this crew activity. We canā€™t wait to see what next week brings!

-Miss Blackham


Y6 candy cane olympics

Yesterday, Y6 had lots of fun at our candy cane olympics. They had to build towers out of marshmallows only using the candy canes- not their hands. They had to demonstrate team-building skills to be successful and they had so much fun!

-Miss Blackham
