Tummy time in F2BP

As a crew we have been working on getting better at things. Today we worked at improving our core strength to help us with our writing by doing tummy time. The children created circles, lines, zig-zags, curves and dots. They really enjoyed the session and want to do it again!

Mrs Price


5S are parliamentarians

As part of parliament week, crews around school engaged in learning about parliament and its processes in our country. This helps us to understand the British values of democracy and law.

Crew Schofield enjoyed engaging in their own parliamentary style debates on issues affecting our school, learning how they link to the manner in which bigger decisions are made for our country. They also enjoyed learning about the process of a general election and how that determines our representation in parliament.

In our photos, members of our ‘house’ were voting on a bill that proposed the banning of football at lunchtimes!

We Care Wednesday: Friendship

We have been thinking really carefully about what makes a good friend during our We Care Wednesday Crew sessions. We have thought about friendships such as Shrek and Donkey; R2D2 and C3PO; and Woody and Buzz. We considered how we knew that they were friends and what they would do if they ever had a falling out. Then we thought about our own friendships and how we could react or respond to our friends if we ever fall out.

Well done everyone, let’s look after each other and do all we can to support and care for each other.

Mrs Haycock


F1 community crew!

Well done to our f1 community crew winners this week. Ocean and Kaiya were awarded pride of Plover for both always being really kind members of our crew. Ocean has demonstrated fantastic expedition and maths learning this week, and Kaiya has shown us some fantastic signing during crew. Keep it up girls!
Astral, Kara, Otis, Mason and George also got postcards for their fantastic learning this week, we are so proud of you all.

Mrs Williams


Team building in Crew

In Crew we know it’s important to work together and support each other. In Crew Lewis we enjoyed turning Jaxon into a mummy. We had great fun and Jaxon loved breaking free at the end.

Super team work guys!

Mrs Lewis


Crew Meade Pay Their Respects

In crew last Thursday, we talked about real life heroes and soldiers who have lost their lives, been injured or fought in wars. We discussed how it is important to celebrate and remember these kind people, as part of Remembrance Sunday. We spoke about the significance of a poppy and made our very own poppy hand wreath. Abbie and Mustafa respectfully laid our wreath today in assembly, as we had a whole school 2-minute silence. #LovePlover

F2 Pride of Plover

Big shout out to Koby and Isaac for excellent attitudes in school.

Isaac has shone his light this week, sprinkling kindness just when people needed it!

Koby’s behaviour has been brilliant and he has worked so hard in maths using good language to describe shapes.