Giving back to our community

Yesterday, Year 5 students took part in a rewarding and impactful litter-picking activity to give back to our local community. With bags in hand, we spent the afternoon cleaning up the local area, showing that small actions can make a big difference.

Year 5 litter picking- tomorrow afternoon

Just a reminder that Year 5 children will be engaging in acts of service tomorrow in our community and they will be joining local council workers to litter pick around Intake. This it to promote the importance of looking after our community.

Children will need a coat. If you havenā€™t given your permission slip to your class teacher already, please ensure you do tomorrow.

-Miss Blackham


Happy Half Term

Crew Meade shared the love today by cutting, sticking and writing their valentines cards in provision. They chose to give them for their grown ups, friends or even their pets.

Have a safe and lovely half term break Crew Meade and grown ups. Thanks for all your hard work this term.

Mr Meade #LovePlover

Safer Internet Day

2P have been learning about how to keep safe online. This year we have particularly focussed on how to avoid being scammed by people who might want to trick us and steal our personal data. We explored how we would feel and how we can seek help from a trusted adult.


Safer internet day in F1

Today we learnt what to do if a pop up appears on our electronic devices. We looked at the story ā€˜Pop up gremlinsā€™ then made our own pop up gremlins in provision. We learnt the three rules – stop, cross, tell, to ensure we keep ourselves safe online.

Mrs Williams


Donā€™t touch the pop-up

Today we started getting ready for Safer Internet Day. We read a story about gremlins and pop-ups. The children learnt ā€œStop, close, tell.ā€ They made their own gremlin to remind them to keep safe.

Mrs Price


Crew Schofield Review Books

Crew Schofield selected some of their favourite titles to begin designing book review posters.

It was great to see you collaboratively decide upon which books to review, then considering summaries and your favourite parts of each story, encouraging future readers to pick up a book!

Building our crew

As part of Motivation Monday, Year 5&6 pupils had to write unknown facts about themselves to place in the centre of the circle. They then each took it in turns to guess who had written the fact. In our debrief, we discussed how we had learnt a lot about people we thought we already knew quite well and we then linked this to sharing what type of ā€˜learnerā€™ we all are so we can support one anotherā€™s styles academically.

-Miss Blackham
