Category : UKS2 Message Board
‘Phases of the Moon’ Oreo fun!
18th September 2024Lucy Wood
6B had a great time using Oreos to create the different phases of the Moon. After doing research and creating their scripts in groups, the children organised their Oreo’s to create each phase. We then recorded their presentations ready for their final product at the Science Fair. They even got to eat them when we’d finished.
Miss Wood.
Amazing home learning!
16th September 2024Lucy Wood

Massive shout out to Eifa for spending her weekend doing this incredible home learning! What an amazing creation of our solar system.
Miss Wood
Disneyland Paris trip parent meeting- 24th September- 5:15pm
14th September 2024Miss Blackham

Calling all current Year 4 & 5 parents, we will be hosting a meeting on Tuesday 24th September at 5:15pm with further details regarding our Disneyland Paris trip in autumn 2025. We have had lots of interest and we are limited to 40 places so we are asking all parents who are interested in their child attending, to come along to the meeting.
Thank you for your support with this trip and allowing us to create everlasting memories for our children!
-Miss Blackham
Information and ideas for parents on how to support the brain development of 0-2 year olds.
13th September 2024Miss Blackham
Y6 boosters- early bird sessions.
13th September 2024Miss Blackham

Early bird/booster sessions are starting WC 30th September. These sessions will be held in 6B from 8:15 Monday-Thursday. These sessions will start with a maths focus and children will have the opportunity to work on their own ares of development in a relaxed setting.
We hope to see ALL children attending and further details will be shared in relation to rewards and incentives for attending these sessions!
Thank you as always to all parents and carers for your continued support.
-Miss Blackham
Current Y4&5 parents- possibility of autumn 2025 school trip!
10th September 2024Miss Blackham
Please complete the above google form to express interest for a possible school trip for current year 4&5 pupils (next year’s 5&6).
-Miss Blackham
London 2025 letter
10th September 2024Miss Blackham
Please find above all information regarding payments for the London 2025. It is imperative that payment deadlines are met to ensure this trip goes ahead.
If you have any questions- as always- please pop me an email- [email protected]
-Miss Blackham
Colour run information- Thursday 3rd October!
10th September 2024Miss Blackham
Spreading kindness by making birthday cards for all!
27th August 2024Miss Blackham
Our HoWLs focus in our first week back is the ‘be kind’ strand. We have discussed lots of ways to show and spread kindness to our whole Plover crew. We started our first activity by creating birthday cards for all staff and our entire year group. When it is somebody’s birthday, they can take a card from the birthday box and feel special whilst reading all of the lovely messages written by our Year 6 crew.
We can’t wait to spread kindness throughout the year!
-Miss Blackham