Year 6 parent drop in-12th-15th March 3:15-3:45

All of our Year 6 parents are encouraged to drop in to see their child’s class teacher next week to discuss their assessment scores. If you cannot make these times, please email myself [email protected] to either arrange another time or for a phone call.
We will be able to share your child’s next steps so you can further support them at home on the run up to SATs.

Thank you so much for your continued support!

-Miss Blackham


World Book Day Competition 🌎📗❤️

It is just over a week till World Book Day (Thursday 7th March) and what better way to get into the mood than a fun, arty competition!

Think about your favourite book and then represent it with arts and crafts in a box – yes, A BOOK IN A BOX!

You can be as creative and imaginative as you like!

Bring your entries into school on World Book Day – can’t wait to see your creations!

Mrs Graves


UKS2- celebration of learning! 21st March 2-3pm!

We are so excited to invite our parents and carers to our celebration of learning based on our guiding question, “How has the Industrial Revolution influenced lives today?”. We will share our learning throughout this term. The children were inspired by the fieldwork they engaged with in immersion week and they are so excited to share all of their learning about Doncaster and the impact’s of the Industrial revolution! Please join us on the 21st March, 2-3pm in the school hall. See you there!

-Miss Blackham


Y6 SATs timetable!

Please see the above timetable for Year 6 SATs. Please save Friday 17th May in your diaries! We will be hosting a parents vs children rounders match!

-Miss Blackham


World Book Day 2024

We are looking forward to celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 7th March.

It would be lovely to see the children dressed up as their favourite book character, but please don’t feel like you have to rush out and buy a costume!

£1 Book Vouchers will be given to children on the day which can be spent in most supermarkets and book shops, but we do also have a Book Fayre coming into school the following week, and children can put their voucher towards the cost of a book at that event – more details to follow soon.

More information can be found on

Mrs Graves


Y5/6 Athletics Tournament Reminder Today at Trinity Academy

Just a reminder, can these children come in their PE kit and trainers today please:

Y5 – Darwin, Shayen, Sumit, Tommy R, Cameron, Szymon, Johnny, Lexi, Ella B,

Y6 – Rhys, Toni, Hilihang, Lily-Grace, Caziyah, Eva W, Isabella D, Emilee.

Can parent drivers meet at Plovers main reception for 12.10pm, ready to set off at 12.15pm please.

The athletics tournament starts at 1pm and Finishes at 3pm – we aim to he back at Plover for 3.30pm.

Thanks, Mr Meade