We are Scientists!

Is it a solid? Is it a liquid? No it’s a non-Newtonian fluid! Years 3 and 4 have been making and investigating Oobleck this week. They were asked to pay particular attention to its ‘state of matter’ properties and to record how it behaved in a variety of situations. As you can imagine, we had great fun whilst learning lots in 4H!

More investigation photos will be added next week…

Well done everyone: I heard great discussion about the properties of Oobleck – you did a great job of washing it all off of your hands and into your bowls too so we didn’t block the toilet drains! Miss Trindall will be pleased with us all!

Mrs Haycock


We are so proud of our Year 4 pupils

Well done to all of our Year 4 pupils who have worked really hard over the last few months to improve their recall of multiplication facts up to 12 x 12 in preparation for their official multiplication check this week. We couldn’t have asked more of you and really do appreciate that the pressure has been intense but you have all done your best; so thank you and well done. Please remember though: you may have completed your official checks, but it is still really important for you to continue to work on your multiplication recall. The quicker you can remember them, the more confident you will feel in maths next year and beyond!

Well done everyone!

Mrs Haycock


We are writers

4H have been working really hard to write about what Fairtrade is and how we can help to support this co-operative organisation. Your vocabulary choices are becoming so much more effective, everyone and I am really proud of how hard you have tried to plan in and include a variety of different fronted adverbials!

I look forward to reading and marking these pieces of writing in preparation for the production of our final product.

Mrs Haycock


We are dividing by 100

This week, we have been practising dividing by 100. To do this we have been dividing by 10, then dividing by 10 a second time. Using place value grids and counters has really helped some of us to see the division happening and therefore understand that we move the digits two columns to the right to divide a number by 100.

Well done everyone! Let’s continue to remember that it is okay to use the resources around the room to help us understand what we are doing.

Mrs Haycock


We can order numbers

Kason, Rafia and Seb have been working together to order numbers to 20. Oh the fun I had swapping them around and turning digits upside down to challenge them to correct my silliness! Well done folks. You did great!

Mrs Haycock


We are writers!

We have been thinking about Fairtrade this week. Everyone has researched facts to present in a beautiful two-peace spread! Even Nibbles and Queenie got in with the action of researching information!

Mrs Haycock


We are Crew Haycock!

Crew Haycock smashed this week’s crew challenge. They were incredibly competitive at first but began to give each other encouragement and support as the challenge progressed. They used a range of skills including counting in multiples of ten to predict when they would be ‘out’ as well as throwing and catching skills.

The bagels were cooked to perfection too: thank you chefs!

Mrs Haycock
