Roman Day

WOW!! What a superb Roman Day we had today!

We started the day exploring Roman armour, then we held shields and had a practice of a real Roman Solider drill! It was great fun to do ‘the tortoise’! We then had a go at playing ‘knucklebones’ which was really popular with all the children! After a break, we tried our hand at Roman writing in beeswax with a stylus. We ended our day with mosaics making and handling real life Roman artefacts!

Claire was fantastic and a fountain of knowledge! All our children loved the day! Thank you parents/carers for your payments to make today happen and to Miss Lotysz for her time booking the day!

Stay tuned for photos tomorrow!



Sadly, Doncaster Rovers coaching on a Friday afternoon has had to be postponed. Look out for an announcement about when this will happen in the new year!

Year 3 PE

Please note that Y3 will be working with Doncaster Rovers on a Friday afternoon as part of their PE curriculum.

They will need warm tracksuit bottoms and a warm jumper or hoody. They will also need trainers (not boots). No other items/equipment are required for the session. This session will be outdoors unless the weather is too bad to let the session go ahead outdoors.

Please ask if you have any questions.


Online Learning

Please note that if you have to self-isolate at home for any reason, you can access your learning online through Google classroom. We shall put copies of the learning slides and tasks online, so that you can still take part in what we are doing in school. I know this might be a bit tricky at times without your teacher to help you but there are still plenty of other things you can do:

1) – an online library of digital books. Select books at the right reading level and quiz on them on Accelerated Reader. Logon using the same username and password as Accelerated Reader.

2) Accelerated Reader –  quiz on the books you have read. Follow the link from the bar at the top of the school website after you have logged in.

3) Times tables Rockstars – practice your times tables

4) – primary 5 a day! Find today’s date and have a go at the maths questions on the bronze level.

5) BBC bite size – find the super movers videos and practise times tables or research about the romans.

6) to research the Romans in Britain. – click the romans link

Any questions, please contact school and we will get back to you.


Mrs Graves and Miss Lotysz, Miss Topliss and Mrs Schofield